Take a stance against this form of child abuse

To the Editor:

During the month of April some organizations, businesses, individuals, etc. were doing things to shed light on child abuse since April is Child Abuse Awareness month. In 1996, our government deregulated and legalized a form of child abuse.

Since then, we as a nation have allowed, promoted, financed, supported, etc. this form of abuse. The government has forced it upon us, but ‘we the people’ are openly welcoming it, when we should be standing against it.

Let’s define child abuse. According to the New Lexicon Webster Dictionary, child abuse is physical, emotional or sexual harm as well as anything that brings on developmental impairment or death. Child abuse is to be dealt with by law.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, child abuse is willful and unjustifiable infliction of pain and suffering. Child abuse may result in serious future consequences, which may include physical, cognitive and behavioral impairment.  Our U.S. Congress declares these acts as a criminal offense.

In 1996, our government officially deregulated and legalized the sale of wireless ‘radiation’-producing devices on the open market. These devices include cellular towers and antennas, cell phones, WiFi, smart phones, wireless tablets, smart meters and appliances, and the list goes on.

All these produce ‘radiation’ which is harmful, painful and brings on impairment.  Our government knew this and it is willful and unjustifiable. Therefore, this is child abuse. As stated in the BioInitiative Report, wireless ‘radiation’ modifies or impairs all forms of life. (bioinitiative.org)

Research “BioInitiative 2012 CEO Wireless Letter” dated September 22, 2014. In this letter, you will find that Wheeler, the current FCC Chairman and former wireless CEO, is investing $2 billion in the growth of WiFi in our nation’s schools. This is being done even though he and our government know how harmful this is. Schools saturated in wireless ‘radiation’ are putting children in harms way of increased cancers, neurological disorders, hormonal changes, becoming electrical hypersensitive, creating abnormal sperm, learning impairment, memory deficit, heart irregularities, altered brain development, behavioral impairment, and much more.

To paraphrase an expert in electromagnetic radiofrequency, “Anyone who puts WiFi in schools needs to be put in prison.” I agree with this. WiFi is abuse and children are forced to sit in a building five days a week approximately seven to eight hours a day and be fully radiated and thoroughly harmed. This is wrong and it fits the criteria of abuse. Plus, the majority of the ones being harmed are children.

Abuse to a child in the womb is also child abuse. Yale University has proven that pregnant mice exposed to wireless ‘radiation’ produced more hyperactive mice with poorer memories. Dr. Hugh Taylor found neurons in the prefrontal cortex of the brain damaged. The University of Washington proved DNA damage and breaks in the brain cells. The University of Kentucky proved brain cells can be damaged, even destroyed. Turkey researchers proved damage to spinal cords. UCLA researchers proved hyperactive children and behavioral problems. The list goes on and on.

Wireless ‘radiation’ penetrates far deeper into the skull and brain of a child than an adult causing far greater abuse to the development of the child’s brain, as well as the entire body, and can also bring on pain and suffering in the form of headaches, nausea, eye pain and pressure, stress to the ears, sinusitis, digestive problems, pressure in the chest, heart problems, and the list goes on. This also brings on emotional abuse because the root problem is not addressed, only the symptoms are appeased resulting in no real help to the child and leaving the child feeling helpless and hopeless, which can eventually lead to drug abuse, legal or illegal, and even suicide.

Our government has successfully brainwashed people into thinking these problems are not caused by wireless ‘radiation’. They lead people into thinking these devices emit a small amount of ‘radiation’. They send people on rabbit trails by having the media bring up anything and everything other than wireless ‘radiation’. They deliberately keep negative effects of wireless ‘radiation’ hidden from the public.

I have a meter that will give you a good idea of how saturated the environment really is, forcing children to develop, grow and mature in an environment that is willfully and unjustifiably harmful. I am willing to bring this to your school, home and/or work so you can see it for yourself.

Take a stance against this form of child abuse! Thank you!

Becky Huck