Pain control procedures still popular at VMH; Many patients travel great distances for service

Pain control procedures at VMH ... Joyce Brachman of Dubuque is pictured above doing the things she could barely do, such as zipping a zipper or pushing a lever on her outside door, prior to undergoing the Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) procedure performed by Dr. Dave Schwartz at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. Dr. Schwartz began offering two options for pain control locally at Veterans Memorial Hospital over a year ago, to help people with chronic joint pain or soft tissue/musculoskeletal pain. These new procedures provide patients with another option for pain control instead of only traditional means, such as surgery or pain pills. Submitted photos.

Dr. Dave Schwartz began offering two options for pain control locally at Veterans Memorial Hospital over a year ago, to help people with chronic joint pain or soft tissue/musculoskeletal pain. These new procedures provide patients with another option for pain control instead of only traditional means, such as surgery or pain pills. Both procedures involve injections, and have been successful in reducing or relieving pain, making it possible for many patients to enjoy benefits like being able to resume their normal activities or delay surgery. However, because insurance companies view these procedures as new and “experimental,” they are an out-of-pocket expense, and will not be turned into insurance.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection is a procedure that utilizes the anti-inflammatory nature of the body’s own blood components to reduce inflammation and promote healing. PRP injections involve taking blood from the patient, processing it to concentrate the platelets in the plasma, and then injecting it into the problem areas, such as the back, shoulders, SI joints or knees. Inflammation and pain is reduced using the body’s own natural processes. The patient is usually at the hospital for about an hour and a half for this procedure.  Other than the blood draw, this procedure is very similar to steroid/cortisone injections.

The other procedure uses bone marrow concentrate (BMC), which contains stem cells, to promote healing and pain relief. The term “stem cell” is a general term, and can refer to a variety of sources. Veterans Memorial Hospital uses bone marrow obtained from the back of the patient’s hip bone. This is typically done under light sedation and local anesthetic. The procedure involves taking a small volume of the patient’s bone marrow, processing it, and then injecting it into the problem area.   PRP and BMC/stem cell procedures are frequently used hand in hand. The length of stay for this procedure is about two to three hours.

Joyce Brachman of Dubuque (formerly of Waukon) was having severe pain in both thumb joints and was told she would need surgery for the arthritis in them. She was also told she would be facing a four-month recovery time for each thumb. Fortunately, a friend suggested she talk to Dr. Dave Schwartz about stem cell injections.

Joyce explains, “I came to Waukon and met with Dr. Schwartz. I had my stem cell injections September 28, 2018. The procedure only took a short time and recovery for me was minimal. My procedure was done on a Friday and with resting over the weekend I returned to work Monday. Dr. Schwartz told me that I may need future booster injections, but I have been fortunate enough not to need them.”

Joyce adds, “Before the injections, I suffered severe pain when using my thumbs for everything from zipping a zipper to trying to hold a pencil. Having the stem cell injections has brought back the use of my thumbs with little or no pain! I am such a believer in this procedure and Dr. Schwartz that I have referred several people to him and they have also had good results with having the injections.”

Several studies have shown that stem cells will mature into new tissue, similar to their surroundings. For example, if injected into the knee, the stem cells may go on to form new cartilage over time, and help alleviate joint pain. It is expected to take six months to one year to see the full benefits of that injection.

“From the time I arrived at the hospital and throughout my whole experience I was treated with such friendliness and concern that you only find in a smaller community,” Joyce concludes.  “It was truly a blessing to have had the wonderful experience I had and to have the use of my thumbs back!”

Patients receiving the BMC/stem cell procedure generally leave the hospital with minimal discomfort, but because there is IV sedation, they must arrange for a driver to take them home. Patients receiving only PRP injections are able to drive themselves.

Both kinds of injections are considered outpatient procedures, and are done in the hospital’s surgery department. The cost for each procedure is dependent on the type of procedure done, and the number of areas injected. Total cost is determined at the time of the consultation with Dr. Schwartz and full payment is made the day of service.

For more information, call the Veterans Memorial Hospital Surgical Coordinator at 563-568-3411, who can arrange for a consultation.