Flu and COVID-19 shots continue each Friday at VMH/Allamakee County Public Health; Both can be given safely the same day

Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care continues to offer flu shots and COVID-19 vaccinations every Friday afternoon.  The next clinic will be held Friday, October 29, 2-3:30 p.m., and then again Friday, November 5 at the same times.

COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines may be administered at the same visit, on the same day. For example, COVID-19 vaccines can safely and effectively be administered the same time as the flu vaccines.

Medicare does cover the cost of the flu shot. Billing for vaccinations will be completed by the Community and Home Care staff, but participants will need to bring their physician’s name and their Medicare number or private insurance card with them. Those who do not have insurance that covers these can also pay for this vaccine; however, the COVID vaccine is free.

Influenza, also called “the flu”, can cause fever, chills, headache, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches to people of any age, and can lead to pneumonia and even death. Most deaths caused by influenza occur in the elderly, the very young or people who have a compromised immune system.

The Center for Disease Control now recommends that everyone age six months of age and older get vaccinated against the flu every year.

Check with a local family practice physician if having any questions about eligibility for the influenza or COVID-19 vaccination. To make an appointment for these clinics, call Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care/Allamakee Public Health at 563-568-5660.