Health Care Provider CPR offered at VMH

Veterans Memorial Hospital will be offering the next recertification course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for health care providers (those working in health related fields such as physicians, nurses, EMS, etc.) Monday, November 1, beginning at 5 p.m. This “Health Care Professional” CPR class will be held in the Large Conference Room located on the lower level of the hospital.

There is a fee to attend and all registrants should bring along their own pocket mask, if they have one. Upon successful completion of the class, the participant will receive an electronic card certifying them as a BLS Healthcare Provider for a two year period.

Pre-registration, plus a minimum of three participants, is required for the class to be held. All participants will be required to physically distance during the class and wear a mask.  They will also be screened at the hospital main entrance when they enter the building.

For more information and to register for the “Health Care Provider” CPR Course, call Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.