Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Marlene Duffy

To the Editor:

No matter our background, faith, or race most of us want the same things, to make a good living so we can provide for our families, to live in safe communities that thrive, and strong public schools where our children get a good education. Those in rural areas living on family farms want to be able to hand them down to the next generation.

We know our small businesses on Main Street create jobs in our communities. We rural Iowans know we have more in common with one another and share many of the same values than some others would like us to believe.

Sadly, MAGA Republican politicians like Kim Reynolds, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Ashley Hinson try to divide us. They want us to be afraid of one another, and to hate our neighbors who might be different. MAGA Republicans know that if we fight, blame, and dehumanize others, they can distract us from their misuse of power and their failures as elected representatives of the people. Instead of working to make our lives better, they seek to divide us based on differences so they can govern for their corporate donors and the wealthiest in America.

I urge us all to reject the hatred, fear and division they are trying to sow. Look at your neighbors and those in your community. We have more in common than what separates us.

Marlene Duffy