

NICC offering High School Drivers Education for students in the ACSD

The Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Waukon Center will offer High School Drivers Education for Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) students.

Students may register for one of these three upcoming sessions:
• Monday-Friday, July 24-August 4, from 1-4 p.m. (#91754)
• Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 21-September 25, from 5-7 p.m. (#91763)
• Monday and Wednesday, October 2-November 2, from 5-7 p.m. (#91764).

To satisfy the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements, students must attend 30 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of Behind the Wheel (BTW) driving experience. Attendance is required at all sessions. Students must have an Iowa driver’s permit before the first class.


Little Switzerland FFA Chapter at WHS claims State Runner-Up honors at Agronomy CDE

Reserve State Champion Agronomy CDE team ...
Reserve State Champion Agronomy CDE team ... Left to right: Olivia Marti, Alaina Gebel, Sarah Stock, Caleb Helgerson. Submitted photo.

NE District Agronomy CDE championship team ... ... Left to right: Sarah Stock, Olivia Marti, Keagan Palmer, Alaina Gebel. Submitted photo.

NE District Agronomy CDE fourth-place team ... Left to right: Mallory Berns, Kendra Gibbs, Ethan Gibbs, Caleb Helgerson. Submitted photo.

by Alaina Gebel

May 16 of this year, eight members of the Little Switzerland FFA Chapter at Waukon High School under the guidance of advisor Jessica O’Connor traveled to Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo to participate in the Northeast District Agronomy Career Development Event (CDE). The team of Alaina Gebel, Olivia Marti, Ethan Palmer and Sarah Stock brought home team champion honors with Gebel placing as the champion individual for the event. Waukon’s second agronomy team of Mallory Berns, Ethan Gibbs, Kendra Gibbs and Caleb Helgerson brought home a fourth-place finish overall out of 29 teams and 116 individuals participating in the contest.


Little Switzerland FFA member Alaina Gebel awarded pair of National FFA Scholarships

Alaina Gebel ...
Alaina Gebel ...

The National FFA Organization has awarded a pair of scholarships to Waukon High School 2023 graduated senior Alaina Gebel, a member of the Little Switzerland FFA Chapter at Waukon High. Gebel plans to use the scholarship funding to pursue a degree in Agricultural Education and Agronomy at Iowa State University in Ames.

The awards include a $1,500 scholarship from Grow Ag Leaders from the Bayer Fund, and the second scholarship, in the amount of $5,000, is a part of the Robert and Pauline Wells Scholarship. The funding for the National FFA scholarship program comes from individuals, businesses and corporate sponsors to encourage excellence and enable students to pursue their educational goals. Scholarships support either two-year or four-year degrees, as well as vocational programs, and range in size from $500 to full tuition for four years.


Officers from Little Switzerland FFA Chapter attend COLT Conference in Waterloo June 9

Little Switzerland FFA Officers attend COLT Conference ... Eight officers of the Little Switzerland FFA Chapter at Waukon High School attended the Chapter Officer Leadership Training (COLT) Conference at Hawkeye Community College June 9. Pictured above, left to right, bottom to top, are Caleb Helgerson, Ryan Kolsrud, Molly Peake, Ethan Gibbs, Mercedes Wilkins, Sarah Stock, Natalie Byrnes and Alyssa Connelly. Submitted photo.

Each year Northeast District and Iowa FFA officers plan and facilitate Chapter Officer Leadership Training (COLT) Conferences for FFA members in the Northeast District. Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo welcomed FFA chapters from all over the Northeast District Friday, June 9, including several from the Little Switzerland FFA Chapter at Waukon High School.

While at Hawkeye Community College June 9, district and state officers led four interactive workshops for FFA Chapter leaders, many of whom are officers, for the annual COLT Conference. The workshops facilitated were local FFA Chapter programs focused in the areas of advocating for the agriculture industry, connecting with stakeholders, recruiting for the local chapter, and working as a cohesive team. FFA leaders also received training relative to their specific officer duties within the local chapter.


Members of Little Switzerland FFA Chapter experience successful State Convention

Waukon FFA Chapter members at State Convention ...
Waukon FFA Chapter members at State Convention ... Left to right - Front to back: Drew Weymiller, Owen Regan, Elizabeth Fossum, Caleb Helgerson, Tucker Burrichter, Wyatt Baxter, Trudy Baxter, Drake Hankes, Ethan Gibbs, Olivia Marti, John Marti, Mallory Berns, Alaina Gebel, Natalie Byrnes, Ryan Kolsrud, Gracelyn Donahue, Kendra Gibbs, Molly Peake, Cassidy Gibbs, Mercedes Wilkins, Sarah Stock, Kiersten Gibbs. Submitted photo.

FFA members from across the state of Iowa celebrated success when they gathered for the 95th Iowa FFA Leadership Conference April 16-18 this spring at Iowa State University’s Hilton Coliseum in Ames. The Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference is one the largest of its kind in the National FFA Organization. Various Little Switzerland FFA members from Waukon High School attended the annual conference to participate in a number of events and to also receive a variety of awards and recognition earned throughout the past year.


Waukon High School FFA Chapter holds its annual banquet

Craig Levi Mathis Award winners... Left to right: Cassidy Gibbs and Kiersten Gibbs. Submitted photo.

Star Greenhand Award winners ... Left to right: John Marti and Kendra Gibbs. Submitted photo.

Academic Achievement Award winners ... Left to right: Freshman Kendra Gibbs, Sophomores Ethan Gibbs and Mason Byrnes, and Junior Olivia Marti. Not pictured: Senior Alaina Gebel. Submitted photo.

Community Service Award winners ... Left to right: Ryan Kolsrud, Sarah Stock, Claire Johnson and Kendra Gibbs. Submitted photo.

by Mercedes Wilkins, Chapter Reporter

April 29 of this year, members of the Little Switzerland FFA chapter at Waukon High School held their annual banquet to recognize members for their achievements over the past FFA year. They also took time to recognize the businesses and individuals who served their chapter through their time, dedication and talents.

The first award was presented to recognize members who sold fruit, meat and cheese during the chapter’s annual fruit sale last fall. The proceeds from this sale are used to fund various activities that FFA members participate in throughout the year. Second-place fruit seller was Dalton Ellickson and first-place seller was Alaina Gebel.


ACSD Board of Directors approves variety of projects, hears updates in preparation for the new school year

by Brianne Grimstad

The Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) Board of Directors met for its regular monthly meeting Monday, June 19 in the Waukon High School cafeteria. Board member Brent Beyer was absent.

Under the Consent Agenda, the board approved the following personnel: Tim Bulman, volunteer middle school football coach; Kate-Leigh Wilson, volunteer cheer coach; Edwin Frick, assistant varsity boys basketball coach; Steve Welper, bus driver; Sofia Acosta and Dallas Howe as elementary paraprofessionals; an increase in hours for elementary paraprofessionals Carrie Etten, Amanda Willoughby and Stephanie Iverson; and Katrina Collins, Kindergarten teacher. The board accepted the following resignations: Paul Farley, bus driver; Ed Wikan, bus driver; and Clint Miller, SPED route driver.


Paying for college with student loans

Student loans are often in the headlines, but the most important information for families with college students is knowing how student loan options compare to each other, according to an Iowa nonprofit loan provider.

“We always encourage students to use savings and earnings, and other financial aid options like grants, scholarships and work-study, before borrowing,” said Steve McCullough, president and CEO of Iowa Student Loan (ISL) Education Lending. “Once those options are exhausted, families should consider federal loans for students and private loans offered by nonprofits like ISL Education Lending.”


Iowa Student Loan program encourages and offers tips for pursuit of scholarships

For families that will have a new college freshman next year, there is never a bad time to look for scholarships that will help offset the cost of furthering a family member’s education. Scholarships are considered “gift aid,” meaning that they do not need to be repaid at a later date. Some are one-time awards that can be used while a family’s college savings continues to grow; others are renewable as long as the student remains eligible within the qualification guidelines of the particular scholarship.


Enhancements to NICC electrical programs increase student enrollment capacity, help meet workforce needs

There will always be a need for skilled people to do electrical work, professional and safe wiring for homes, businesses, rental properties and public infrastructure. Two programs at Northeast Iowa Community College - Commercial/Residential Electrician and Industrial Electrician - provide students with the training and knowledge needed to thrive in this critical industry.

As part of their learning, students in the programs cross-train with Carpentry students each year to construct a new house in the community from foundation to roofing and finish work. The experiential learning integrated into the program provides many of the best real-world, hands-on lessons, said Reilly Reader, a May 2019 Industrial Electrician graduate.


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