Lenten Breakfast events to begin February 25

The annual Lenten Breakfast events will begin for women Thursday, February 25 at St. Patrick Church in Waukon. The women’s events begin at 6:45 a.m. each Thursday during Lent and will take place weekly at local churches according to the following schedule:
February 25 - St. Patrick Catholic Church
March 4 - St. John's Lutheran Church
March 11 - Zalmona Presbyterian Church
March 18 - Zion United Church of Christ
March 25 - St. Paul United Methodist Church.
Featured speaker at the February 25 Lenten breakfast will be Esther Walleser of Waukon.
Speaking at the March 4 event at St. John's Lutheran Church in Waukon will be Gloria Payne, who will be sharing her experiences teaching special needs children in regard to the Christian faith. The Waukon native is the daughter of Dr. Robert and Maxine Sander and a 1969 graduate of Waukon High School. After leaving Waukon in 1971, she taught special education for 25 years in Davis, CA and is now extremely pleased to have been able to return to her native northeast Iowa just last year, currently enjoying retirement with her husband in their home in Harpers Ferry.
All women are welcome to attend the Lenten Breakfast events, which include a served breakfast and a featured speaker each week.

Gloria Payne to be March 4 speaker