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A dozen members represented the Eitzen Lions Club at the Sixth Annual Puppy Days held at the Ft. Dodge Correctional Facility in Fort Dodge Sunday, August 28. The Eitzen Lions Club members joined members of several other clubs in taking a charter bus to the facility. The Eitzen Lions Club's Legacy Award was to sponsor a Leader Dog involved in the program, and that dog was named in honor of Lion Elmer Thies. Pictured above, left to right, are: Front row - Ron Vonderohe, Spencer Yohe, Dale Meiners with leader dog Elmer T, Joann Meiners, Barb Feil and Judy Fruechte. Back row - Marveen Feil, Leon Feil, Daren Feil, Lawrence Fruechte, Greg Mohwinkle, Cathy Mohwinkle and Puppy Trainer James Schultz. Submitted photo.