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Home ›VMH Auxiliary to hold Pillow Perk October 24
The Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital will be holding its annual Pillow Perk Monday, October 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Lower Level of Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. Kraft Pillow Service will be on site to make old pillows look like new.
Everyone is encouraged to bring in their feather pillows to the Pillow Perk to be cleaned, sanitized and given new ticking. Foam and Dacron pillows may also be renovated by this process. People are also encouraged to bring in their feather beds and have them made into new pillows.
The Auxiliary is also holding its third annual Masquerade jewelry and accessories sale that same day as well. Masquerade is a company that hosts these sales only at hospitals throughout the country. They will be visiting Veterans Memorial Hospital from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, October 24. Numerous tables of jewelry, scarves, hair accessories, leggings, lunch bags, etc., will be on display throughout the Large Conference Room and lower level of the hospital.
Parking for both the Pillow Perk and Masquerade sales will be available on the east side of the hospital, along the golf course. Both lower level entrances will be available for entering the hospital, as this area will be in close proximity to both of these events.
The proceeds the Auxiliary receives from both events will be used to purchase a new noninvasive transcutaneous bilirubinometer for assessing the risk of jaundice in newborn babies in the Maternity Services Department at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon.
For more information on these upcoming events, call Nona Sawyer, Auxiliary President, at 563-568-3105, or Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.