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Home ›Benefit account set up for three-year-old girl injured in farm accident
Madisyn and Kayla Frye
Madisyn Frye, three-year-old daughter of Kayla Frye of Cresco and granddaughter of Todd and Lauri Kaeser of Rossville and Dean Frye of Decorah, was injured in a farm accident Sunday, November 6 when her hand was caught in a grain auger. She was airlifted from Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, where she immediately underwent surgery to reattach her hand. She now faces a long road of rehabilitation and physical therapy.
The three-year-old's friends and family describe her as a very strong yet loving little girl who loves to chase chickens at her grandparents' farm. Although being laid up in a hospital bed was difficult for her, the surgery reportedly went well and she continues her recovery at home.
To help the family with medical expenses, an account is being set up for Madisyn Frye at CUSB Bank in Cresco, where 100% of donations will go directly to her medical expenses. Anyone who would like to donate to this fund is asked to call CUSB Bank in Cresco at 563-547-2040. Additional information about how to donate to the fund can be found in the advertisement on Page 3A of this week's print edition and e-edition of The Standard.