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Home ›Waukon City Council discusses airport improvements, utility pedestals in boulevards, variety of other items
by Joe Moses
The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, January 16 to discuss a full agenda of items, including AFLAC Insurance coverage for City employees, a Storm Water Utility Fee and Trenchless Storm Sewer work. There were no public comments heard or written.
Under Departmental Reports, Water and Sewer Superintendent Bob Campbell discussed some problems with an electric panel at the pump house and recommended that an engineer may be needed to create a retrofitted repair in this case, due to the age of this panel and difficulty in finding replacement parts.
The Airport Hangar agenda item was moved up for discussion with Airport Board member Jim Wadsworth present. Wadsworth provided a recommendation that new hangars at the airport should be uniform in building style to improve the airport's appearance. Wadsworth discussed several ideas and policies for improving the airport.
AFLAC Insurance with Accident, Disability and Cancer options was discussed by the Council. City Clerk Al Lyon advised that the City would not be being paying premiums, but payroll deductions could be made for City employees choosing to enroll. The Council agreed to proceed by having an AFLAC representative present information to City employees.
The second reading of the Electric Utility Franchise Fee Ordinance and the adoption of the ordinance were both approved. The Franchise Fee Ordinance establishes a $500 monthly maximum in franchise fees to be collected from Electric Utility customers and provides a rebate in excess of that amount on a quarterly basis.
The Council also discussed a proposed Storm Water Utility fee and how best to take into account different scenarios involving property owners, renters and multiple water meters. No action was taken at this time on that matter.
The Council combined the next two agenda items involving the 5 Bridges Trail Repair project and approved the final payment of $1,601.35 to Skyline Construction Inc. and the Letter of Acceptance for that project with a single vote. The final payment of $882.86 to Ray's Excavation, Inc. was approved for work completed in the alley between East Main Street and First Avenue NE behind the initial block of Allamakee Street. Lyle TeKippe with Fehr-Graham Engineering provided an overview and update on the alley between East Main and First Avenue NE and the adjoining parking lot.
The Council discussed the street right of way request from Alliant Energy, which has proposed the installation of approximately 18 utility pedestals in boulevards near Second Street NW, Third Avenue SW and SE and north of Fourth Avenue. The proposed utility pedestals are three feet tall and four feet by two feet in width. The Council discussed the matter and agreed that homeowners may not want this type of pedestal in the boulevard in front of their homes. No action was taken at this time, with the Council agreeing to have Alliant Energy come to a meeting to discuss the matter further and also provide alternatives, if possible.
TeKippe also provided an update on the Trenchless Storm Sewer work and suggested recommendations for sections of storm sewer pipe that may need to be relined and reinforced. The Council approved to proceed with storm sewer work where easements have been granted.
The Green Valley Bridge was discussed by the Council with the possibility of widening the bridge discussed as a concern. No action was taken at this time.
The next nine agenda items were routine accounting measures that were combined and approved with a single vote. February 21 was set as the date of the Public Hearing for expanding the TIF District to include construction of a Police Facility.
Under Other Matters, Lyon presented the Council a budget handout containing projections for revenue and expenditures. The Budget Committee will be meeting to work on the budget, which will be presented to the Council for final review at the February 21 Council meeting.
Waukon Police Chief Phil Young provided an update on information received from local contractors concerning cost estimates for a new Police Station facility.