Word for Word 11/14/18

Thankfulness to God - Psalm 116:7-18

I thank God for the life and the care he has given to me to share this word with you about Thanksgiving. The word Thanksgiving means thanking God for the things He has given us.

November is the month we give thanks to God and we remember the good things God has done for us in our lives.

In the bible, King David was thinking about all the good things God had done for him such as delivering him from enemies and giving him peace.  He asked himself “What shall I render to the Lord for all the bounty he has given to me.” (II Samuel 7:1-3) King David worshipped and thanked God saying “I’ll worship you and give glory among the People.” (Psalm 40:10-11)

So today I want you to thank God for all the good things he has done for you. Jesus died on the cross for our sin. We thank God for the sacrifice of his son who gave his blood for us so we can have life eternal.  Amen.   

Rev. Sedar Wembonyama
Lansing UMC and Grace UMC New Albin