March is National Nutrition Month; Eat to beat the cold and flu season

by Jill Fleming, MS, RD/LD, Dietitian at Veterans Memorial Hospital

As you try to stay healthy this winter, don’t forget about the magic found in the grocery store. Eating specific nutrient-packed foods will keep your immune system strong, which helps your body fight off viruses and bacteria. Treat yourself to these six immune-boosting foods to stay well during this season of sickness.

1. Citrus Fruits: Don’t wait until you have a cold to turn to vitamin C. Vitamin C helps build up your immune system to fight off infections before they invade your body. Some of the best sources of this flu-fighting vitamin are the citrus fruits; like oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons and limes. Add one of these fruits to your breakfast and another one at a snack later in the day.

2. Broccoli: This super-food is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that help protect your body from disease. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts strengthen your immune response. All of these vegetables contain glutathione, which increases your body’s natural ability to fight infections. For the best benefit, eat your broccoli raw or steam lightly.

3. Yogurt:  Yogurt contains probiotics, which your body craves during cold and flu season. These are the healthy bacteria found in your gut, which help your immune system fight off germs. Research shows that eating yogurt high in probiotics can help boost your immune response and reduce inflammation. Yogurt is also a good source of Vitamin D, which strengthens your body’s natural defenses.

4. Chicken Soup: Yes, your Mother was right, chicken soup is good for you! Chicken is high in zinc, which is a mineral that helps boost your body’s production of white blood cells to fight infection. The broth is also loaded with collagen, which can strengthen the immune system. In addition, the broth has also been found to decrease inflammation, which helps prevent all diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

5. Garlic: Garlic is best known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Research shows that garlic stimulates the production of disease-fighting white blood cells, which help fight infection and prevent disease. To increase the healthy compounds in garlic, allow chopped or minced garlic to sit for 15 minutes before cooking. Adding garlic toward the end of the cooking process will also increase the flavor added.

6. Fish: Fatty fish like salmon, trout, sardines and herring are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids increase white blood cell activity to help your body fight off infections and decrease inflammation. These fatty fish are also a good source of Vitamin D.

With cold and flu season currently at its peak, be sure to add most or all of these six immune-boosting foods to your grocery cart. Eating these foods, which are all loaded with good nutrition, will help you in your quest to stay healthy this year. Always remember to drink enough water to stay hydrated too, as dehydration also puts your body in a compromised state of health.