Memorials received by Health Care Foundation

Memorials were received by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation in memory of Lee  Folsom by Jerry and Marilyn Troendle, Jeff and Pam Christianson, Ardie Kuhse, Carol Paus, Patsy Kerndt and Letha Folsom, and in memory of Ray Smith by Roger and Karen Melcher. Memorials were also received in memory of Jean Berge by Pat Pettingill, Theresa Lyons, Lois Evans, Carl and Betty Christianson, Jerry and Linda Siegrist, Mark and Linda Evans, Gordon and Louise Ellingson, Norb and Nola Palmer, Harold and Shirley Marti, Burnell and Gloria Sander, Rev Lonning, Joan Bieber and Patsy Kerndt. A memorial for Libby Withers was also received by Carolyn Thomson and Gene Maurer and an additional donation was received for Bob Thompson by Les and Ada Marie Kerndt. Veterans Memorial Hospital also received estate donations from the Henry and Carol Miene Estate and the Harriet G. Hanson Estate.

Memorials and donations are appreciated by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation. The Foundation is a 501C3 organization.  All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. Memorials and donations can be sent to the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation, 40 First Street SE, Waukon, IA  52172.