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Home ›Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Osmund (Ozzie) Quandahl
To the Editor:
Where should I start? There is so much wrong with our country. An ex-Democrat says the Democrat Party has the mentality of gangsters. Can Trump bring us back? He is far better than the lightweights that think they can. Trump is polling great and his four years as President proved that he is reliable.
I’ve been in Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, two times in Dubuque, Waterloo, La Crosse, and I’ve watched his rally on TV. In all the rallies I attended, it was fun because all the people were so nice. The January 6 rally got out of control. I think the Dems had some very bad people planted in the crowd to start the misbehavior and then blame Trump, like what they tried with the fake dossier, bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Dems. They tried to pin that on Trump and they spent millions of our tax dollars trying to pin Trump, who was totally innocent.
Yep, I agree with David Horowitz - the Dems have the mentality of gangsters.
Kindest Regards and God Bless,
Ozzie Quandahl