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Little Miss competition for girls ages 7-9 added to this year’s pageantry for the Allamakee County Fair
The Allamakee County Fair Board is seeking applicants for the 2024 Allamakee County Fair Queen contest and will also be offering a similar pageant experience to younger girls this year, as the 2024 Allamakee County Fair will run from July 17-21. Expanding on the new format initiated last year for the Allamakee County Fair Queen Contest, an Allamakee County Fair Little Miss competition is also going to be held this year for girls ages 7-9.
Adding a younger dimension to the pageantry of this year’s Allamakee County Fair, a Little Miss competition will also be held for Allamakee County girls who are 7-9 years of age as of July 16 of this year and who plan to participate in the Allamakee County Fair in some way. That participation can include Clover Kids, the Kiddie Tractor Pull, Kiddie Calf Shows during the 4-H livestock shows, Mutton Bustin’ at the rodeo grandstand event, or some other involvement.
Little Miss contestants must complete and mail the contest application form by Saturday, June 15. The application form can be found on the Allamakee County Fair website at and should be postmarked by that June 15 date and mailed to: Diana Davison; Attn: Little Miss Committee; 516 2nd Street NW; Waukon, IA 52172.
Contestants must be present for the Little Miss judging and coronation event taking place at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon Wednesday, July 17. The Little Miss coronation will take place in conjunction with the Allamakee County Fair Queen coronation event also being held July 17. More complete details and a full list of expectations for this year’s Little Miss can be found within the application information on the Allamakee County Fair website at
In the second year of its new contest format, the Allamakee County Fair Queen will consist of a full day of pampering and pageantry at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon. Contestants will need to be available Wednesday, July 17 from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. for contest activities, the queen crowning and a pie auction. Conflicts with that timeframe need to be addressed as soon as possible with coordinator Diana Davison.
Girls who are at least 16 years of age and not more than 21 years of age as of August 8 of this year with community involvement are able to participate in this year’s Fair Queen Contest. That community involvement could include being an active member in at least one service organization such as a church group, Girl Scouts, 4-H, FFA, etc. The contest is not limited to only 4-H/FFA membership.
Contestants must not be married, should not be professional models, nor have been crowned a County Fair Queen in the past to compete in this year’s contest. Girls who have competed at the County level in prior years but who were not crowned Queen are also able to run again, as long as they still meet the above requirements.
Candidates are judged on personality, attitude, overall appearance, awareness, leadership, citizenship, charm and poise. Candidates will also be asked to help with various activities the entire week of this year’s Allamakee County Fair, July 17-21.
Those who would like to enter the contest are asked to type-fill the entry form and release/consent form. In order to maintain uniformity in the entry process, the applications can be found on the Allamakee County Fair website at or may be received by emailing Completed entry forms can then be emailed to that same address, along with one wallet-sized, head-and-shoulder photo to be used in press releases.
The consent forms required for entry need to be signed and mailed to Diana Davison at 516 2nd Street NW Waukon, IA 52172. Entry and consent forms must be postmarked by Saturday, June 1 in order to be eligible to participate in the contest.
The young lady crowned the 2024 Allamakee County Fair Queen will need to be available to represent Allamakee County at the Iowa State Fair Queen Contest at the Iowa State Fair, which is scheduled for August 8-18 in Des Moines.
Anyone with questions about the contest may contact Diana Davison at 563-794-0381 or by email at Once she receives a candidate’s entry and consent information, she will send them more information about the contest.
Tuesday, July 2 there will be a mandatory candidate informational meeting held at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion, where candidates will meet with Nicole Winke Gentes of Lansing, a recent statewide and national pageant participant who will be helping candidates with their pageant walk, interview questions, among other aspects. Discussion will also take place regarding the expectations of the pie auction pre-fundraising, the contest judging day and participation throughout the week of the Fair.
More complete details and a full list of expectations for this year’s Allamakee County Fair Queen can be found within the application information on the Allamakee County Fair website at