Lansing City Council sets public hearing on FY25 budget for May 20; tax abatement slated to also be on May 20 council agenda

by Julie Berg-Raymond

During its regular meeting Monday, May 6, the Lansing City Council set the public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) budget for Monday, May 20, at 7 p.m. The council also accepted a bid of $.85/gallon from Welch Inc. of Waukon, for dust control for the City of Lansing this summer. No other bids were submitted.

In other business, the council approved Resolution #1007 regarding the transfer of monies between funds for accounting purposes, and approved liquor licenses for Casey’s, The Buck Stops Here and Kwik Trip, Inc.

In an email interview following the council’s May 6 meeting, during which Mayor Mike Verdon was asked about the status of the Tax Abatement Ordinance/Urban Revitalization Plan, Mayor Verdon said, “tax abatement will be on the next (May 20) agenda.”

During its regular meeting Monday, December 18, 2023, the Lansing City Council had voted unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 999, tentatively approving the Lansing Urban Revitalization Area and the Proposed Plan. As stated in the Resolution, “it is the intention of the City Council to finally adopt a resolution approving the Proposed Plan for the Lansing Urban Revitalization Area and an ordinance designating the Lansing Urban Revitalization Area on January 15, 2024.”

To read the full article, pick up the Wednesday, May 15, 2024 print edition of The Standard or subscribe to our e-edition or print edition by clicking here.