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Home ›Allamakee County voters will be asked to fill all seven seats on the Veterans Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees at November election
Those interested in serving on the VMH Board of Trustees must file by August 28
Allamakee County voters will have a unique opportunity in the coming November 5, 2024 General Election.
After voter approval in November 2022, Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) was transferred from City of Waukon ownership to ownership by Allamakee County. Per Iowa Code 347, a new board of trustees is required to be voted in and all trustee seats are up for election. The VMH Board of Trustees consists of seven members. Membership is open to any eligible resident of Allamakee County.
A board of trustees has many responsibilities, including but not limited to:
• Fiduciary duties - Trustees may be responsible for making investment decisions, oversight of hospital taxes, and budget/spending approvals. They are responsible for strategic planning, which can include developing plans for the organization’s direction for the immediate future, as well as plans for two to five to ten years ahead.
• Governance - Trustees are responsible for the governance of the hospital as an organization and must ensure it operates in compliance with its governing documents and the law. This includes managing risks, making changes to the organization, and reporting to the relevant authorities.
• Financial oversight - Trustees are responsible for approving the organization’s budget and ensuring it operates within its means, as well as complying with all financial regulations. This may include managing the organization’s funds and ensuring suitable banking arrangements.
Examples of some issues that the board of trustees may address include but are not limited to:
- Updates and expansion to the hospital’s operating room facilities.
- Updates and expansion to the emergency room.
- General infrastructure updates and renovations such as updating the HVAC and electrical systems and ensuring that emergency generators are adequate and available.
- The return of services like chemotherapy and dialysis.
VMH Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Michael Coyle encourages anyone interested in serving on the hospital’s board of trustees or who has questions to contact him at 563-568-3411, or to attend a public meeting of the VMH Board of Trustees to learn more.
County Hospital Trustees elected in 2024 will face an unusual situation regarding the length of their first term. Under Iowa Code 347.9, persons elected to a county hospital board of trustees serve a term of four years. Due to the transfer of hospital ownership, all seven hospital trustees were initially appointed following the November 2022 election, with all seven seats then needing to be elected at the next county election in November 2024.
A provision in Iowa Code 347.9 mandates that three of the County Hospital Trustees elected at this first election shall serve a term of four years and the other four elected shall serve a term of two years, with the respective terms of office determined by lot. This is to ensure that a staggered term of service is initiated for elections going forward. After the initial two-year and four-year terms, all future elections for county hospital trustees will be for a term of four years.
The general election will be held November 5 this year. Allamakee County residents who wish to be candidates for the county hospital board of trustees must file a Nomination Petition for Non-Partisan Office and an Affidavit of Candidacy with the County Auditor by August 28, 2024. Nomination Petitions for County Hospital Trustee must contain a minimum of 50 signatures from eligible voters in Allamakee County.
Filing periods for all offices for the November 5, 2024 General Election are as follows:
• Beginning August 5 through August 28: Non-Partisan candidates running for the Partisan offices of Supervisor, Auditor and Sheriff must file a minimum of 50 signatures and an Affidavit of Candidacy; Township officials must file only an Affidavit of Candidacy; no signatures are needed.
• By August 28: Candidates for Soil & Water Conservation Commission and Ag Extension Council must file a minimum of 25 signatures and an Affidavit of Candidacy; Candidates for Hospital Trustee must file a minimum of 50 signatures and an Affidavit of Candidacy with the County Auditor’s office.
There is no beginning date for candidates filing for these offices. Candidates can file any time before August 28.
Nomination Petitions and Affidavits of Candidacy along with Candidate Filing Guides can be found online at or picked up at the Allamakee County Auditor’s office. Any election-related questions should be directed to the Auditor’s office at 563-568-3522.