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Home ›Water and sewer project in Lansing granted categorical exclusion through the National Environmental Policy Act
All interested citizens of the community of Lansing, along with all government agencies and public groups should be advised that an environmental review has been performed based on the procedures for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), for the proposed agency action taken by the City of Lansing in accordance with Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Project Number W2024-0107A (S2024-0107A), an upgrade to the City of Lansing’s water distribution system and wastewater collection system within certain areas of the community.
The City of Lansing is planning an upgrade to its water distribution system and wastewater collection system. The city has applied for financial assistance through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program to build the project. SRF is a program authorized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and administered by the Iowa DNR in partnership with the Iowa Finance Authority.
The project includes the replacement and/or upgrade of existing water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer utilities as well as installation of new utilities, with project areas outlined in red in the map accompanying this article. Work will take place along Platt Street, North Street, 4th Street, and Diagonal Street using an open-cut method. A new generator will be added at the Ball Park Lift Station and another at the 4th Street Lift Station to provide emergency back-up power.
The proposed project was reviewed for eligibility for a categorical exclusion from NEPA review specified in the 40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 6.204. The project meets all criteria described in the above reference and was determined that this project is eligible for a categorical exclusion.
Consequently, a preliminary decision has been made that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) will not be prepared.
To read the full article, pick up the Wednesday, August 28, 2024 print edition of The Standard or subscribe to our e-edition or print edition by clicking here.