Supervisors sign National Mentoring Month Proclamation, set public hearing for paving one-mile stretch of Four Corners Road

National Mentoring Month Proclamation ... The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors signed a proclamation at its Monday, January 13 regular meeting designating January as National Mentoring Month in Allamakee County. Pictured above at the proclamation signing are: Left to right - Front row: Helping Services for Youth and Families Steering Committee member Danny Schlitter, Helping Services for Youth and Families Mentoring Coordinators Ellie Shelton and Colinne McCann, intern Lanie Luensman of Luther College, and Director of Domestic Abuse Services Brittany McIntyre; Middle row: Helping Services for Youth and Families Director of Prevention Services Jen Stolka, Allamakee County Board of Supervisors Chairperson Dan Byrnes, and Helping Services for Youth and Families Executive Director Carson Eggland; Back row: Allamakee County Board of Supervisors members Dennis Keatley and Tom Clark. The Helping Services for Youth and Families Mentoring Program offers a caring adult role model for youth between the ages of six and 16. Standard photo by Joe Moses.

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, January 13 to address a full agenda of matters including discussion of the Allamakee County Childcare Coalition funding request, consideration of appointing Medical Examiners and Medical Examiner Investigators, and the consideration of setting a date for a Public Hearing relating to the grading and paving of a one-mile portion of Four Corners Road.

The meeting was called to order by Board of Supervisors Chairperson Dan Byrnes with Supervisors Dennis Keatley and Tom Clark present. The amended meeting minutes from Monday, January 6 were approved to include a correction relating to the appointment of Lori Egan to the Planning and Zoning Commission which was incorrectly listed as a two-year appointment and has been corrected to reflect a three-year appointment.

The meeting moved into Public Comment with Executive Director Val Reinke of Allamakee County Economic Development (ACED) providing an update. Reinke made note of recent events within the county including Knotty Marie’s First Side-by-Side Ride held Saturday, January 11 near Dorchester, the Full Moon Snowshoe event held Sunday, January 12 near Lansing, in addition to upcoming events including the New Albin Fire and Rescue’s 13th Annual Ice Fisheree scheduled for Saturday, January 18, a Planning and Zoning meeting scheduled for later in the week, in addition to an upcoming leadership training.

County Treasurer Nicki Smedsrud addressed the next matter relating to the Treasurer’s Annual Report. She provided an overview of this report in which she made note of revenue and disbursements with the Supervisors accepting and placing this report on file.

Quarterly reports for the County Recorder, Environmental Health, Relief, and Planning and Zoning were also accepted and placed on file. The Supervisors approved the appointment of Ann Klees as a member of the Board of Adjustment.

Dr. Thomas McMullan and Dr. Dave Schwartz were approved as Medical Examiners. Jacob Dougherty and Christopher Dahlstrom were approved as Medical Examiner Investigators.

The meeting moved into discussion of the Allamakee County Child Care Coalition funding request. Reinke provided an overview of the Child Care Solutions Fund, a 10-county pilot program which includes Allamakee County, made possible through fundraising efforts and a match by the State of Iowa made possible through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Reinke made note of how the Child Care Solutions Fund and the Child Care Wage Enhancement Program have assisted childcare centers and registered in-home child care providers in retaining and increasing the number of childcare workers and in increasing child care availability in general. She noted that the Child Care Solutions Fund is managed by Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission (UERPC).

To read the full article, pick up the Wednesday, January 15, 2025 print edition of The Standard or subscribe to our e-edition or print edition by clicking here.