

And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus

... that with the extreme and prolonged cold weather spell, some of us are happy indeed that there is a lot of action in the field of sports at this time of the year.
And happier yet that both Iowa and Iowa State won their football bowl games.

As I am typing this, the Big Ten (14!) has won all seven of its post-season games, with Michigan right now trying to make it eight. But even it’s only 7-1, it would seem to be evidence that the level of football in the league is pretty high.

The Iowa wrestlers won the Midlands championship again, and a team of unattached wrestlers from Iowa came in ninth!

Plus, the Iowa women beat a ranked Michigan basketball team despite having two starters and two-thirds of the team’s top scorers benched by injuries.


Wexford Wanderings

by Hugh E. Conway

Season’s Greetings


Letter to the Editor: Appreciation for the experience

To the Editor:

I would like to express my appreciation to the citizens of Waukon for allowing me to have served as the Assistant Waukon City Attorney over the past thirty years. A big thank you to the Waukon Police Department and its officers, present and past, for your hard work and devotion to duty. It has been my experience that they are very conscientious and attempt to uphold the motto of “To Protect and Serve”.

I further extend my appreciation to prior city councils for their repeated reappointments. On my first day as a practicing attorney, July 7, 1986, I was appointed as the Assistant Waukon City Attorney. I was reappointed annually thereafter. It has been a wonderful experience both professionally and personally.

Attorney Jeffrey L. Swartz


Letter to the Editor: Something to think about

To the Editor:

Let’s do a little review. Our president, Donald Trump, won the Republican primary over 16 supposedly smart and good people, and in my mind I’m sure glad. He won the presidency over very crooked and ungodly Hillary, with the expenditures of one-fourth of what she spent. Both parties spent big money slamming Trump.

His support came from big numbers of Democrats and Independents and good Republicans. And if he were to run right now, he would win big time again.

True story, I wear a Trump cap always and will always. A well-known Democrat came to me and said, “I voted for Trump and I think he is a God send.” I answered, “You are right and so was our Lord Jesus and look what people did to him.” Something to think about.

Kindest Regards
& God Bless,
Osmond (Ozzy) Quandahl


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that you turn your head, and suddenly it’s 2018!

But I am still in 2017, and I wondered as I placed my herbed turkey breast in the oven this Christmas morning, how many turkeys were suffering the same fate in the United States at about the same time. Millions, probably.

Because for some reason, turkey seems to be required at this season of the year ... Thanksgiving through January 1.

I would never think of roasting a turkey for the Memorial Day weekend or the Labor Day holiday. Chicken? Sure. But not turkey.

During the rest of the year, my turkey eating is confined to thin slices along with ham and cheese slices rolled up in a tortilla shell. Or a frozen meal featuring a few turkey chunks so small a magnifying glass is almost needed to identify same.

I once bought a couple turkey burgers, and after tasting the first one, threw the other in the garbage can.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that from Washington, D.C., through Des Moines, to our local boards of officials, it seems that more and more, everything is either black or white, my way or your way.

Sometimes, I think, that is not so much a difference of opinions, as it is a failure to define the terms of the argument. An ultra-conservative northwest Iowa congressman was soundly criticized recently for saying that he felt diversity was over emphasized, and that he favored assimilation.

As though the two things were direct opposites.

I, for one, favor both.


And then I wrote...

By Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that there is an old saying, repeated in the words of a song, to the effect that “some days are diamonds, some days are coal.” In addition to the relative value and attractiveness of the two things, I think the message also conveys that both are created in part by pressure.

I could not help but think about how that phrase might apply to Senator Al Franken, the Minnesota Democrat who says he will resign after many of his fellow party office holders put pressure on him to do so following charges of sexual misconduct.

For several weeks prior to those charges, he had a hagiography on the national best selling books list. I did not plan to buy it, so am a bit vague on the title, but it was something like “Giant (maybe lion?) of the Senate.”

And soon, he will be out of the senate.



Word for Word 12/20/17

Pastor Steve Oden
Pastor Steve Oden

The Greatest Gift

As Christmas time is here once again, many of us think of gifts. Many of us put much thought into what we’re going to give that special someone; we try to think of a gift that would bless or benefit them. The tradition of gift giving at Christmas, the celebration of the God of heaven taking on human flesh, is a small token of what God, our heavenly Father, has given to us. In a single gift, God gave everything He had so that we would have everything we need! This is the greatest message of hope there is, and it never changes. The Christmas message is a message of hope!

Jesus is God’s greatest gift. And how we love to reflect about how that gift came wrapped in swaddling clothes. It’s a story that never grows old. God sent His Son, not to give us religion, but to restore our relationship back to Himself. The receiving of God’s gift, His Son, fulfills our greatest need and longing.


Letter to the Editor: Tax lies

To the Editor:

Democracy becomes imperiled when politicians lie in order to gain support from citizens who expect their leaders to honestly explain and justify their policies. Sadly, the President and Republicans have shamefully distorted the facts in their attempts to win support for their tax proposals that will benefit corporations and the wealthy at the expense of ordinary working Americans.


Letter to the Editor: Luke: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, verses 1-21

To the Editor:

The teaching of the churches is that Yahshua, or Jesus, was born December 25. This is a teaching started by the Catholic church hundreds of years ago. That and many other Catholic traditions are glibly being followed by the Protestant churches, apparently not checking out what they started from.

Such is the teaching of the present day of His birth. This celebration of His birth is not found anywhere in the Bible, and there is no record of Him ever celebrating His birthday because celebrating birthdays was of the Pagan Heathen nations. It is sun worship and was and is hated by our God, Yahweh.


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