

Letter to the Editor: National Take-Back Day

To the Editor:

One of the most serious threats to our youth may be lurking in your medicine cabinet. October 28 you have an opportunity to clean out those cabinets and reduce prescription drug and opioid abuse in our community.

The Police Department, along with the Drug Enforcement Agency, will be hosting a National Drug Take-Back Day for all community members to bring unused or expired pills and patches. This is a free event and completely confidential: No questions will be asked.

Allamakee County pick-up sites will be at the Waukon Police Department, Postville City Hall, Lansing City Hall and the Lansing Fire Department. The drop-off times will be October 28 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that today (October 9) is listed as Columbus Day on calendars, but news stories today and this weekend describe cities which are changing that name to Indigenous Peoples Day. Government unions got the original October 12 date changed so they could get another long weekend.

The thought being that Christopher Columbus and his crews in 1492 arrived from Spain and interrupted the peacefully existing native population. That period of American history is variously represented.

In today’s Peanuts cartoon strip, Sally Brown is preparing an essay for school, and she describes how the queen said she could only afford three ships for Columbus Day’s trip. Under the impression Day was his last name.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that as I sat down to write this shortly after noon Monday, October 2, the television stations are reporting an increasing number of deaths in that Las Vegas shooting.

Because that story is still fairly new at this point, I can’t comment on much, but when a story such as this greets you when you awaken in the morning, you can’t help but wonder what’s wrong with this world. We seem to be beset by natural and man-made catastrophes at an increasing rate as the years go on. Have we done something to really irritate God?

I can’t help but wonder about the motivation of the killer. There had to be something dark and ugly in his mind to trigger that action. It is inhuman.

Along with everybody else, I have many questions about how he was able to accomplish the horrific act. Maybe by the time you read this, some of my questions, and yours, will have been answered.


Letter to the Editor: Socialism is not the answer

To the Editor:

Jacob Galema still does not get it. Socialism does not work! That is the most important lesson of the 20th Century. Jacob only reiterates in his letter of September 27 what everyone knew, including me! He does not have to repeat it four times, I know he is a misguided sociailst.

Unfortunately, Jacob, like all the rest of those who believe as he does, resorts to personal attacks and personal destruction when they can’t win the argument with good ideas and plans. The Constitution is a pretty good rational for doing the right thing. Christian ethics are also a good rationale for doing the right thing. Our founding fathers knew that.


Letter to the Editor: Confused on cancer awareness

To the Editor:

Yes, October is breast cancer awareness month.  However, there are so many other statistically sneakier gender-related cancers that are not talked about. I wonder if that’s because they are less likely to be noticed, even mentioned, or if it is because treatment is not always nearly as successful by the time those cancers are diagnosed.

I am referring to ovarian, uterine, cervical, testicular, prostate, to name a few gender-related cancers. The problem with most of those cancers is that they are more difficult to detect and are likely to involve much more expensive and extensive testing. Mammograms have become part of a regular wellness regimen for those who are adequately insured. And, that is becoming a key issue with our new administration and the healthcare coverage available.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... since my father’s death nearly half a century ago (he did not like it) I have made it a practice to have Limburger cheese and crackers Sunday evenings. My mother joined me until her death 13 years ago. Sunday night was the second time in all those years that I had to go without. Shopping oversight. And I was ticked!

Even though I had just finished watching the Cubs win.

While I was upset, I recalled the words of a nun in my high school who, when she knew things were not going my way, always said “just offer it up!” I wasn’t sure then what that meant but I thought it meant accept it as penance for sins committed in the past or those to come.

It was the second time in a week that phrase came to me.

I was amazed and ashamed of myself for fretting so much while I was without cable television for ten days. After all, I grew up in the days before there was television.


Wexford Wanderings

by Hugh E. Conway

Games 5

Like other Iowans, early settlers in northeast Iowa believed that everyone would gain from some education. To function properly in society and play a role in the future in this county, children should learn how to read and to write. Early on, often one room schoolhouses in the Wexford area were where basic skills were taught to both boys and girls. Over 12,000 of these little structures once dotted Iowa’s landscapes. Recess was some of the fun times where children could use their imagination and play games and in the process also gain life skills.

Another fun game of rounds that was played in Wexford schools was Muffin Man. The game starts with one child turning to the next child and singing the verse:

Do you know the muffin man? “The muffin man, the muffin man” Do you know the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane?


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that a couple weeks ago, as the world was noting the anniversary of the death of Princess Diana, I was starting a book, a biographical account, of the life of her ancestor, Georgiana, the Duchess of Devonshire. She was a (insert four greats) aunt of Diana’s from the Spencer family. Earl Spencer was the father of Diana, who became the Princess of Wales upon her marriage. Which shows how convoluted British royalty is, because the Prince of Wales of her time, in the late 1770s, was a sometimes cohort of Georgiana’s, the late Diana left a Prince of Wales as an heir.

I’m confused already, and have just started. Georgiana’s life obviously included the time when the United States of America removed itself from the British Empire.


Letter to the Editor: Get your walk on in Waukon October 4

To the Editor:

Seven years ago, the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative launched the “start somewhere” walk as an opportunity to engage Iowans to join us in making Iowa the healthiest state in the nation. Since 2011, hundreds of thousands of Iowans have walked on the first Wednesday of October and we’ve seen a growing increase in making Iowa communities more walkable. Communities are adopting complete street policies, hiring staff dedicated to incorporating walking, biking and transit in transportation plans and launching walking school buses so kids can walk or bike safely to school.

This year the Healthiest State is reminding Iowans to care for their own health by walking every day by kicking off the Walk more. Connect more campaign in partnership with the Walk more. Connect more. NE Iowa.
On October 4 we are challenging Iowans to “get your walk on” in Waukon, and join the walk hosted at Noon that day, by Veterans Memorial Hospital.  


Letter to the Editor: I am a Socialist

To the Editor:

I’m a socialist. I don’t want free things. I want to pay for things in a different way and to live in a country based on morality and equity. I’m a socialist. I don’t want free things. I want to pay for things in a different way and to live in a country based on morality and equity. I’m a socialist. I don’t want free things. I want to pay for things in a different way and to live in a country based on morality and equity. I’m a socialist. I don’t want free things. I want to pay for things in a different way and to live in a country based on morality and equity. Maybe if I write those sentences four times Mr. Engle will be able to actually understand what I write.


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