

And then I wrote...

... that a friend loaned me a book about a month before the election, and I dearly wanted to quote some things from it, but did not at the time lest I be accused of trying to influence voters.

As if that could happen!

Anyway, the name of the book is An Accidental Life: An Editor’s Notes on Writing and Writers. It is by Terry McDonell and was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 2016. McDonell was editor of a number of well known publications, and he discusses them and many of the writers with whom he dealt.

He quotes David Carr on what it takes to be an editor: “Educate yourself and then pass it on.”

What an editor needs is best covered by the French word sang froid, that is, cold blood - calmness, composure and coolness but also audacity in order to handle pressure, he suggests.


Letter to the Editor: Getting exactly who we voted for (or against)

To the Editor:

Just two short weeks ago billions of people around the world watched with great interest as the people of the United States of America elected their next president.  I was among both groups.  After observing months of campaigning and casting my own ballot the election of Donald Trump did not surprise me.

Though concerned, I resolved to quietly observe our president elect preparing to assume his awesome responsibilities in order to understand how his persona might change post-campaign. Just two short weeks later the answer is abundantly clear:  We the people have gotten exactly who we voted for (or against).


Letter to the Editor: Things are looking up

To the Editor:

Things are looking up for the USA. If our president-elect can raise the morals of this country, things will turn around.

The devil has become too strong in our country. The law that prohibits ministers and priests from participating in political policy, the outlawing of the Bible and Ten Commandments in schools and public buildings, the placing of condoms in schools, etc. Please, Mr. Paul Ryan, place an order before Congress right now, don’t wait.

Its simple, and I’m sure Congress will forward it to the president’s desk. Repealing the law forbidding priests and ministers from being active in political policy, as well as the law removing the Bible and Ten Commandments from schools (local option). Two simple laws, but that are important. A straight-up vote, no attachments.

These two laws should go through Congress with no delay or debate. Our present president probably will not sign it, but you can reinstate again January 20, 2017.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schiling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that a couple readers in the days after the election, noting that I had made some comments about the election over the months, asked what I was going to write about now that the election is over.

I really had no ready answer, but today, a week after the voting, I can say I have at least a few more election comments, because as of today, a certain segment of the population continues to riot in the streets in opposition to the result of the election, and others are advocating a change in the way we elect a president.

That first group is easy to deal with. In the immortal words of one of the recent presidential candidates, “what difference does it make at this point?” The president-elect will become the president in January, if the republic survives.Who are the rioters? A demographic study shows most of them are very young, teens to early 20s. There are a few professional organizers leading them.


Word for Word 11/23/16

“Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. For His mercy endureth forever”  (Psalm 106:1).

How appropriate it is for us say these words of the Psalmist as we sit down to eat a meal. It is an acknowledgment that the food we are about to eat is a gift from God. Even though we work hard to earn money to buy the food we eat, yet in the end it is God who gives us our daily bread. The money we earn is only the means that God has given us to purchase our food.

There are many people in the world today who work much harder than we do and receive much less for their work. In his farewell address Moses said to the Israelites as they were about to enter the land flowing with milk and honey: “You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” (Deut 8:17-18).


Letter to the Editor: Didn’t you care just a little?

To the Editor:

Mr. Quandahl quotes the Bible, but he has never once said why he and all the other Christians voted for a man who has reportedly been charged with rape twice and proven to be a serial sexual abuser of women and girls. Not once in his letters to the editor has he ever mentioned such facts.

It also must have slipped his mind that the Democrat candidate won the popular vote. He has also never mentioned that your local politicians also voted for a reported sexual abuser. Now that the election is over, you’ll never see your local elected people at church or local functions until they need your vote again.

Would you want, as a parent, to trust the president-elect alone in a room with your wife or daughter? Where have the real Christian morals gone to? Didn’t you care just a little?

Pat Ward



Letter to the Editor: In support of female leaders

To the Editor:

I would like to express my appreciation to Patti Ruff and Jan Heikes for running this election year. As a young woman I look up to women who have fearlessly stepped into the male-dominated political arena.

I am proud to live in Iowa, a state that excels at socially progressive policies. However, I feel as though Iowa falls short when it comes to electing women into positions of power. I will continue to support female leaders at the local and national level, and I encourage you to do the same.

Our little girls deserve strong female role models who set a precedent for equality and respect among all people regardless of their gender, religion, sexual orientation or race. I want my future daughters to grow up in a society where their voice matters and they have the ability to achieve big, bold dreams.

Kristin Kopperud-Stinn



And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that after years of following the Chicago Cubs as they tried unsuccessfully to win the World Series, I missed it when it happened this year!

I have been accused of being a “fair weather” fan, and this year it was literally true! I was watching the final game on television, and was much aggrieved when the Cubs blew the lead and were tied going into the final inning. It was still tied when it started to rain, and I figured it would be an hour or so before they could resume, and then, the odds were in Cleveland’s favor, as the home team. Because they have the last “say” the home team wins a large percentage of extra-inning games.

So, I went to bed, and to sleep.

And was pleasantly surprised to learn next morning that the Cubs had won!

Chicago has a bad reputation, for its crooked political machine, and more recently for the number of murders.


The new education program?

To the Editor:

Today may go down as one of the darkest days in history, but let’s think about it. This election has actually enlightened us. Words like misogyny and xenophobia come immediately to mind. 

It’s a good thing because we are going to unfortunately need to use those words to describe the experience of the incoming administration.  That is, if we choose to try describing it.

And, that brings up another part of our election education; choice and choosing. How does anyone make an informed decision without good and accurate information? We have now learned that incomplete or misinformation turns into being able to buy and/or manipulate others. Of course, it helps to have more money than God.


Yee Haw! for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

To the Editor:

Yee Haw! The roaring west came to Waukon Thursday night (November 3)as Seven Brides for Seven Brothers stomped and sang for us in a tale as old as time... young love.

Adam Gruman was the chin forward superbly swaggering leader of the puppy pack of brothers. Katelyn Leiran was charming as the impulsive yet take charge sweetheart. Brothers Matthew Hoins, Michael Benson, Sean Liddiard, Micah Treptau, Dolan Jones and Nathan Smith were wonderfully rollicking as the love struck mountain men. Brides Erika Johnson, Kaia Johanningmeier, Carley Sweeney, Emily Kolsrud, Grace Blocker and Mattison Pladsen stole our hearts as the winsome wonderful women.

Supporting cast Heidi Dougherty, Oonagh Ahouse, Dalon Troendle and Aaron Sherman provided great character highlights.


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