

Letter to the Editor: Thoughts on how our government should be run

To the Editor:

Well, finally the Christians came alive and voted 60-plus percent for Trump, only 18% for Hillary. My question is, what kind of Christians are those 18%? Do they approve of abortion, same-sex marriage, the Bible and Ten Commandments outlawed from our schools, and suing the Sisters of the Poor?

Trump should immediately reinstate the Bible and Ten Commandments back into our schools and all public offices (local option). Trump should quickly repeal the law forbidding priests and ministers from participating in politics.

The Democrats have indoctrinated young people not to work, thinking they will all vote Democratic. That is criminal.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that this column will appear in the Nov. 9 edition, which means by now you all know who won the election. Lucky you, either way. It will be another week for me. Did the sun come out today, a la Annie?

You will also know how the Chicago Cubs came out in the World Series.

Or maybe not!

Thanks to a story on public radio Sunday morning, I learned that author W. P. Kinsella (Sp?) wrote an essay entitled The Last Pennant Before Armageddon. It says that when the Cubs finally win the World Series, the world will end the next day.

Did it? If so, disregard the first sentence of this column, because there was no “tomorrow” for Annie or anybody else.

Leftist Garrison Keillor has written a column saying that Donald Trump, if he loses, should run for governor of Iowa.


Word for Word

by Msgr. Ed Lechtenberg

Please meditate on Mal. 3, 2 Thes., Lk. 21. We are quickly coming to the end of the liturgical year.

Coming, as we are, to the end of things our thoughts might turn to the end of our lives on Earth and even to the end of all life on Earth.

The scriptures reverberate with the notion of apocalypse. Apocalypse does not mean horrible things like the collision of planets, comets, moons and stars. This is the Hollywood version. This is the stuff of fear mongers who plan to make mega-bucks out of manipulating our worst fears, panic and terror.

It is exactly of such as these that Jesus warns us. “Take care not to be misled. Many will come saying, ‘I am the one’ and ‘The time is at hand.’ Do not follow them. Neither must you be disturbed when you hear of wars and insurrections.”


Letter to the Editor: There’s much, much more

To the Editor:

Well, as usual, Mr. Quandahl is very misinformed and misleading the public who happen to read his misleading letters.
First, Mr. Quandahl doesn’t know the first thing about the Constitution. In order for a president to take your weapons, it has to be voted on by all 50 states in a national election and ratified by all 50 states, so it would never, ever pass. So, he and the National Rifle Association are badly misinforming or lying to the American people, as the Republican party is.

As for all the Republicans who supported and voted for Trump, be proud that at least you used your constitutional right. He has reportedly been charged two times - that we know of - for spousal rape and the rape of a 13-year-old girl, and has been accused of being a serial sexual abuser. He reportedly doesn’t pay income tax, loves war but is a five-time draft dodger, and filed bankruptcy four or five times, leaving his business partners with the huge losses.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that during three decades of writing hundreds of obituaries and seven decades of reading thousands, the phrase that the deceased “was a fan of the Chicago Cubs and the Iowa Hawkeyes” was often repeated. Once in a while there would be a Yankee or Iowa State fan, but much less often.

In all those years, not since I sat on the front porch with my barber J.B. Swain at his West Main home and listened to Cubs games on radio in the early 1940s, had the Cubs advanced to the World Series. That was accomplished the year I moved from the neighborhood to a new part of town, 1945. The Cubs lost to the Detroit Tigers.


Waukon Economic Development Ponderings

This new feature piece, entitled “Waukon Economic Development Ponderings,” is being offered to highlight the intricacies within the Waukon community that may or may not be self-evident but do play a role in the existence and enhancement of the community. The column content will be submitted by Waukon Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Development Coordinator Ardie Kuhse for publication on a consistent basis within The Standard.

I was reminded again a week ago when an out of town visitor stopped by the office to gather some local information. Upon leaving she turned to me and said, “You have a pretty downtown”. I thanked her and as I thought about it, I stood and took a long, hard look downtown.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that I take eight medications each day. Some of the prescribed drugs replace, for various reasons, other drugs I have taken over the past 23 years.

I try to keep up with current things. I read a couple daily papers and listen to a couple radio and television news shows each day. But I must have missed something.

I cannot imagine why the Iowa Legislature is being asked to “approve” the use of medical cannabis. I sincerely doubt if the Iowa legislature was asked to approve any of the dozen or more drugs I have taken. I guess I assumed that the way a drug got on the market includes all or some combination of laboratory research, perhaps animal testing, field testing, Center for Disease Control or Food and Drug Administration approval, drug company sales agents or medical association information being made available to prescribers, and notice to pharmacies.


Word for Word

“Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were marked with a seal for the day of your redemption. Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as Christ has forgiven you.
–– Ephesians 4: 29-32

If you are like me you maybe can’t wait for November 8th to come and go so that we can move on, no matter the outcome.  But in the meantime, it’s important to remember that while public discussion of political issues has the potential to bring out the best in us by surfacing creative new ideas or developing effective problem-solving strategies more often than not in our public dialogue about the issues of the day, the opposite seems to be happening.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that Shakespeare wrote (I am paraphrasing because I am too lazy to look it up) something to the effect that expectations often prove wrong, most often when most certain.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette each Saturday calls on half a dozen “experts” to predict the winners of some football games and the final score. With one exception, the experts are sports writers, which qualifies them as experts. I know, because I was one for 17 years. (Pause for chuckle).

The morning of the Iowa-Minnesota game, all but one of them picked Minnesota. The one who did not was the only female and only non-expert.

So the Bard was proven right once again.

Thing is, I tended to agree with the majority.


Word for Word

I remember a friend of mine telling me several years ago that their children were not going to celebrate Halloween. He was sure that dressing up in scary costumes and going door to door demanding treats to prevent having tricks played on the homeowner was an obvious form of satanic worship, or at least a way of enticing children to the dark forces of this world.

My children did go trick-or-treating despite the warning of my friend and as of yet have not shown signs of abandoning their faith. In fact it has made for some interesting insight into the early opposition to Christianity.

Each year as I greet the many trick-or-treaters, I consider how each costume reminds me of those stretched truths and some outright lies about Christians in the early days of the church. Some monsters like demons or the Devil are very strait forward in what they represent, but then there are those other so-called monsters.


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