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Home ›To the Editor: Restore pride in our town - fix the streets
To the Editor:
In the past five years or so, the city of Waukon has managed to considerably expand and remodel its high school, build a wellness center, which includes a senior citizens facility and a community college, build a new fire station and completely reconstruct two streets.
It would seem that a community that is able to afford these improvements ought to be able to provide at least a minimum standard for maintenance of its streets. While state highways through town have been well maintained, the rest of our streets have been generally neglected. Driving on too many of our streets is like negotiating an obstacle course. As the dips, bumps and potholes remain unfixed, our streets are an embarrassment to our community.
As many of these streets wait for possible rebuilding - likely in the distant future, there must be an economical method of at least somehow leveling these surfaces. I believe that most living in Waukon would financially support and encourage the city administration in a program that would permit us to at least drive the speed limit without bouncing out of our seats. I think we should encourage our Mayor and Council to find a way to get this done - restoring a bit more pride to our town.
Dick Roggensack