

NICC to host Create Your Own Dragon Egg class

Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions is offering a Create Your Own Dragon Egg class Tuesday, February 25. The youth class will run from 3:45-4:45 p.m. at the NICC Waukon Center, 1220 3rd Avenue NW.

Kids will learn the art of creating dragon eggs using a variety of materials. From sculpting clay to painting and decorating, children will unleash their creativity. All materials will be provided, but children are encouraged to bring an apron or smock to protect their clothes.

The deadline for paid registration is February 18. To register online visit or call NICC Waukon center at 844-642-2338, ext. 6700.


Head Start Preschool Open House, Registration Nights scheduled for February

Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC) has announced the dates for its Head Start Preschool Open Houses and Registration Nights to apply for the 2025-2026 school year. Head Start Preschool is a free, all-day, five days a week, three- and four-year-old preschool program.

The Open House and Registration Night for the Waukon Head Start Classroom is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The Waukon Head Start Classroom is located at 955 3rd Avenue NW in Waukon, with its entrance located behind the West Elementary School.

Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks are served daily at no cost to families. Qualified teachers use the Creative Curriculum to help children learn and provide the academic and social skills they need to succeed in Kindergarten. Free before and after school child care may be available for working parents and full-time students.


EACSD Board accepts retirement resignation of Susanne Herman, schedules public hearing for 2025-2026 school calendar at February meeting

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

The Board of Directors of the Eastern Allamakee Community School District (EACSD) met at Kee High School Room in Lansing Monday, January 13. Board members present included Bobbie Goetzinger, Joe Manning, Melanie Mauss and Arla Wagner, with Heather Lutz absent. Also in at attendance were EACSD Superintendent Nick Trenkamp, PK-12 Principal Donna Thomas, and Board Secretary Michele Martin.

After President Goetzinger called the meeting to order, the board approved the agenda and authorized the January consent items, minutes of the December meeting, bills for January, Secretary’s Financial Report for December, and the Student Activity and Food Service December Reports. In personnel matters, the Board approved the retirement resignation of Susanne Herman at the end of the 2024-2025 school year and the Classified Early Retirement Package for the 2024-2025 school year.


ACSD Board of Directors sets public hearing date for 2025-2026 school calendar, hears updates from all centers and departments

by Brianne Grimstad

The Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) Board of Directors met for its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening, January 21. The reason for the change in the meeting date was the observance of Martin Luther King Day Monday, January 20, which would have been the board’s regular meeting day.

The February regular monthly meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 18, instead of the regular Monday meeting night, due to observance of the Presidents Day holiday. Board member Kelly Deeney was absent from the January 21meeting.

Under the Consent Agenda, the following personnel were hired, pending a satisfactory background check: Robert Johanningmeier, Middle School Paraprofessional; Brianna Meyer, Elementary Night Custodian; Emma Hatlan, Part-Time Elementary Paraprofessional; and Ella Dehli, Part-Time Elementary Paraprofessional. The resignation of John Lawrence from the Elementary Night Custodian position was approved.


Allamakee Community School District students learning about cybersecurity from Iowa Communications Network

Starting in January, cybersecurity students in the Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) have begun learning from a line-up of industry professionals coordinated by the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) on the topics of technology, coding, cybersecurity, and careers.

It’s a spin-off to ICN’s Statewide Youth Broadband Advisory Council (SYBAC) program. Allamakee Community School District Curriculum Director Kelli Olson will have her entire cybersecurity class interact directly with industry professionals.

The virtual line-up of experts will meet monthly with the students, who include  representatives of the ICN, ProCircular, Fortinet, the Waterloo Career Center, and more.

“ICN is fortunate to have great relationships within the technology industry that understand the importance of sharing first-hand knowledge with students interested in technology and cyber fields,” said Lori Larsen, ICN’s Public Information Officer.


Top Voice of Democracy VFW Essay Contest entries at Waukon High School ...

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 4117 and its Auxiliary sponsored the local level of competition for the annual VFW Youth Essay Scholarship Contest. Pictured above are the top entries from Waukon High School in the Voice of Democracy Essay Contest for high school students: Left to right - Kallie Troester, Second Place, and Ella Homewood, First Place. Local winners advanced on to the District level of competition but neither local entry ended up being selected among this year’s District winners. Submitted photo.


Top Patriot’s Pen VFW Essay Contest entries at Waukon Middle School ...

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 4117 and its Auxiliary sponsored the local level of competition for the annual VFW Youth Scholarship Essay Contest. Pictured above and below are the top entries from Waukon Middle School in the Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest for middle school students. Pictured above, left to right, are the top sixth grade entries in the local Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest: Teron Curtin, First Place; Charlee Corwin, Second Place; and Ellsy Koenig, Third Place.

Pictured in the photo below, left to right, are the top seventh grade entries in the local Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest: Samantha Troester, First Place; Dylan O’Neill, Second Place; and Sloan Lonning, Third Place. Local winners advanced on to the combined District level of competition, where Teron Curtin placed First, Dylan O’Neill finished Second and Charlee Corwin claimed Third. Submitted photos.


Iowa Farm Bureau Federation announces Rural Veterinarian Loan Repayment Incentive Program to address critical shortage of rural veterinarians

To help address a critical shortage of rural veterinarians identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation (IFBF) has established a Rural Veterinarian Loan Repayment Incentive Program to attract and retain veterinarians in rural Iowa.

The Iowa Farm Bureau Rural Veterinarian Loan Repayment Incentive Program will award four individuals who practice, or will practice, veterinary medicine in Iowa up to $25,000 in loan repayment incentives. IFBF will begin accepting applications in March 2025.

In 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill into law to create the Rural Iowa Veterinarian Loan Repayment Program to address the critical veterinarian shortages in rural Iowa communities. IFBF was one of several partners who led the push for that piece of legislation.


Regular, small savings deposits add up when it comes to financing a college education

by Christine Hensley
Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation Board Member

For many families, the plan of how to pay for college is uncertain. And trying to figure out that plan can be intimidating.

But college can be within reach, even for those with modest incomes, as long as saving begins early. Reasonable, small monthly savings, if started when kids are young, can benefit from compound interest and earnings. And those regular contributions add up over time.

Now is a good time to start saving for a child’s education or examine savings to date. By putting away as much as possible now, even $25 or $50 a month, parents can expand college options for kids and reduce their future debt burden, helping them as they begin their careers and lives after graduation.


Top entries from New Albin Elementary School in annual VFW Essay Contest...

The Lansing VFW Auxiliary Post #5981 and the New Albin VFW Auxiliary Post #5603 recently selected the winners of their Annual Elementary School Essay Contest from students in third grade and fourth grade at New Albin Elementary School. Donna Thomas is Principal at New Albin Elementary.

Mrs. Jessica Kurth’s third graders wrote on the topic “I Love America Because...” and this year’s top entries were: First Place - Emma Mauss, daughter of Denise and Pete Mauss; Second Place - Creed Steiber, son of Hannah and Jason Steiber; and Third Place - Lennox Crane, daughter of Taylor and Jason Crane.

Mrs. Jennifer Mohn’s fourth graders wrote on the topic “I Am Grateful For Veterans Because...” and this year’s top entries were: First Place - Kira Fink, daughter of Lacey Fink and Nathan Yeasel; Second Place - Collin Mathis, son of Jill and Cody Mathis; and Third Place: Kinley Hilsabeck, daughter of Kelly and Brian Hilsabeck.


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