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Home ›UMC in Lansing hosting "Cope-a-Cabana" to help area youth cope with daily issues

The United Methodist Church in Lansing is beginning a group called "Cope-a-Cabana" to help area youth deal with issues they face on a daily basis in today's world. The group meets each Tuesday afternoon, 3:30-4:30, at the church. Submitted image.
A new "self-help" group for youth is being started in Lansing at the United Methodist Church (UMC). The group is called “Cope-a-Cabana” and provides a faith-based curriculum that will be led by UMC Pastor Kevin Smith and Lisa Fruechte.
"We recognize it’s tough being a kid!” says Cope-a-Cabana co-leader Fruechte. "Thus, the name Cope-a-Cabana. We want to provide a safe place for the kids to learn to cope with the issues they are facing daily."
The goal of the program is to help children identify feelings and find healthy ways to express them, with the understanding that all kids have feelings of anger, happiness, frustration, sadness and many more and that it can be challenging to know what to do with these feelings. Children will learn skills to manage these feelings and can also learn they are not alone in what they feel; there are other kids out there who have similar issues.
Cope-a-Cabana meetings are being held from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesday afternoons at the United Methodist Church in Lansing. For more information contact Lisa Fruechte at 563-544-4325 or Pastor Kevin Smith at the church at 563-538-4352.