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Home ›Lansing City Council approves increases in marina, levee lot fees
by B.J. Tomlinson
The Lansing City Council met in regular session Monday night, February 2. The Council reviewed and approved a 3% increase in Marina slip rentals, winter storage and levee lot leases. Councilman Dick Roeder asked why the increase couldn’t be automatic rather than voting on it every year. City Clerk Katie Becker said previous Councils liked to review the prices annually.
Dan Fisher, Main Street Lansing Director, distributed flyers outlining the activities planned for the February 21 Winterfest celebration. In addition to ice carving at the Plaza on Main Street, there will be indoor games at the Community Center, Turkey bowling at the Park, ice fishing, hiking, snowshoeing, a craft and vendor show and the second annual Chili Cookoff. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, February 21 at TJ Hunter’s Banquet Hall. For more details online go to or call Dan Fisher at 563-538-9229. Mayor Mike Brennan said he will going to a “curling” event in Centerville and asked Fisher if the Main Street group would be interested in a demonstration of the sport. All agreed that would be a great idea.
Street Superintendent Jerry Aperans reported the current torpedo heater used by the Street Department is in need of repair, but because of its age, parts cannot be found. The Council directed Aperans to get a price estimate for a replacement unit and submit the request for inclusion in the upcoming budget meeting. Aperans and the Council also discussed the South Street bridge and its needed repairs. Mayor Brennan indicated that County Engineer Brian Ridenour agrees with the DOT recommendation that the weight limit on the bridge should be changed from 15 to three tons and that two signs be placed on each side of the bridge, an advance sign and a bridge sign. Brennan added that the process of obtaining funds to repair the bridge will commence soon.
Councilman Roeder said residents with parking in alleys have asked that the alleys be plowed at the same time as the other streets. Aperans said a previous mayor told him to plow the alleys after the other streets, and added that the alleys were plowed by Sunday night.
People Service Representative Heath Draeger reminded the Council of the meeting scheduled for Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. regarding new digging permit guidelines as discussed at the last Council meeting. Draeger also indicated that two air compressors at the treatment plant are still leaking, even after all the valves and rings were replaced. One of them is not being used because it is leaking too much oil; the estimated cost of new compressors is $2,200 each. Draeger also warned that Wednesday, February 4, the 86 fire hydrants in town will be opened and closed which may create rusty colored water for a few hours.
In other business, the Council reappointed Tony Becker as Lansing Fire Department Chief. City Clerk Katie Becker reminded the Council of the budget meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 4 at 4:30 p.m. Becker also advised the Council she will be on vacation from March 9 to March 17 and will miss one Council meeting.