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Home ›Nightcrawlers Forever seeking donations for fundraising banquet
The Nightcrawlers Forever Committee is planning its annual benefit potluck to be held at Milty’s in Lansing Sunday, February 22 at 11 a.m. The committee appreciates the support of the many local business owners and individuals who have made this event successful in the past through their generous donations and encourages those who have not made a donation in the past to consider making a contribution to this year’s event.
Contributions can be made either in the form of cash or merchandise, as numerous items are needed for raffle prizes. Proceeds from the 2014 benefit were distributed among many area organizations and projects.
Everyone is invited to attend the Nightcrawlers Forever benefit. Be prepared to feast on roast pork, worm-theme potluck desserts and entrees, beverages and appetizers. Those planning to attend are asked to bring a dish to pass.
To arrange for a pick-up of any items being donated to the event, call Mark at 563-380-3451 or Amy at 563-568-8895.