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Home ›Lansing Council approves grant application for trail
by B.J. Tomlinson
The Lansing City Council met in regular session Monday night, February 16. Mayor Pro-tem Rebecca Conway conducted the meeting.
Laura Olson, Director of the Allamakee County Economic Development Office, presented an application for a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant in the amount of $646,240. The City of Lansing will contribute a 20% match of $276,960 for a 2.8 mile paved trail connecting downtown Lansing, school facilities, neighborhoods, natural areas and Clear Creek Park. Eventually the trail will connect to other existing trail systems at Mt. Hosmer and Mt. Ida. Olson said the application is very strong and is supported by the Driftless Area Scenic Byway, Allamakee County Conservation Board, Eastern Allamakee Schools and Alliant Energy. Design and engineering will begin in the Fall of 2017, bid letting in the Fall of 2018 and construction in 2019. The Council approved the grant application.
The Council also reviewed and adopted the City’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2016 and scheduled a public hearing for March 2. The Council also approved the annual 1.3% annual increase for People Services Water and Wastewater services.
People Service Representative Heath Draeger told the Council that the water leak reported at the last Council meeting was finally located on North Front Street and the service to that residence has been shut off. Draeger said the leak consumed 94,000 gallons of water. Draeger and the Council also discussed the proposed Water and Sewer Service Line excavation standards and procedures which will be added to the City Code after final approval. Letters have been sent to all known area contractors advising them of the new process. Draeger also advised that the DNR will be on site later this month for an inspection.
City Clerk Katie Becker said a FEMA report deadline has been extended to January, 2016 and that auditors are reviewing City financial records this week.