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Home ›Award winners at Waukon Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet
The Waukon Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet was held Friday evening, February 27 at the Waukon Banquet Center, with a series of recognition awards distributed during the event. Being honored as Person of the Year were the four Sweeney brothers pictured, left to right: Jake, Jerry, Joe and Jan. In addition to running a successful business, Village Farm & Home, that draws many to town and treats them with personalized customer service in a welcoming atmosphere, the Sweeneys were also honored for their community involvement, including the continuation of the annual Threshing Days events through the 25th anniversary of that celebration and the continued organizing of the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade held in Waukon each year.
The Waukon Area Fire Protection District was named as this year's recipient of the Volunteer of the Year award for the volunteer efforts of its members, making themselves available at a moment's notice to protect the community in so many different ways, many times putting themselves in harm's way to do so. Pictured are officers of the Waukon Area Fire Protection District accepting the award on behalf of all of its members. Left to right: Education Officer Troy Gress, Fire Marshal Tyler O'Neill, Lieutenant Brad Krambeer, Treasurer/Secretary Kyle Halverson, Second Assistant Chief Bill Hennessy, Chief Dave Martin, First Assistant Chief Paul Mathis, Lieutenant Kris Krueger and Safety Officer Brian Bodensteiner. Additional award photos from this year's Chamber of Commerce Banquet are printed on Page 4A in this week's issue of The Standard. Standard photos by Bob Beach.