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Home ›VMH Family Wellness Fair enjoyed by many

Pictured above is a scene from the crowded hallways at the 18th Annual Family Wellness Fair at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. Over 45 area agencies that serve Allamakee and Clayton counties attended the fair as vendors, offering information, games and gifts to everyone who visited their table. Another popular attraction to the fair is the balloon artist, Paul Kammarmeyer, better known as “Greenie,”a pharmaceutical representative from Manchester, creates whatever each child requests out of balloons. New this year, face painting was offered by Lori Ross and Katelym Griffith and was very popular as seen in the photo below. Submitted photos.

The 18th annual Family Wellness Fair was held Wednesday, May 13 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. Over 425 individuals attended the wellness fair and enjoyed all the information and activities provided by over 45 agencies and businesses that serve Allamakee and northern Clayton counties.
Veterans Memorial Hospital sponsored a health fair at the event and offered many free health tests, assessments and information throughout the evening. Both the Mayo Waukon Clinic and Gundersen Waukon Clinic were in attendance as well. Nutritious snacks were offered compliments of the hospital’s Nutrition Services department.
Entertainment was provided by Klyde Thinger the Clown and Paul Kammarmeyer “Greenie” of Manchester who provided balloon art at the main entrance. Face painting was also performed by Lori Ross and Katelyn Griffith. The Waukon Fire Department also supplied a fire truck for viewing and the rescue gator. In addition, wellness demonstrations were given in the Healthy Lifestyles Rehabilitation Center by the Waukon Wellness Center Staff and Tae Kwon Do.
In special attendance this year were two representatives from Live Healthy Iowa, Anna Ashley and Johanna Smith, who presented the Community Cup Award to Allamakee County for having the largest participation per capita of all counties in the state. This is the fourth year in a row that Allamakee County has won that award.
This family event is held each spring and is free and open to all members of the area communities.