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Home ›Review of Medicare Part D coverage can save money
It can cost you money not to review your Medicare Part D coverage. In one hour, a SHIIP counselor can complete a review, let you know if you can save money and make sure you have access to the drugs you need in 2016. SHIIP counselors in Iowa have been saving people money for 25 years. In fact, last year they helped Iowans on Medicare save close to $15 million on Part D drug costs.
Every year Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans announce their changes for the next year and Iowans on Medicare can decide if they want to change plans from October 15 to December 7. Kris Gross from the state of Iowa’s Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP), said, “We’re asking everyone to remind family, friends and neighbors about these important dates. We don’t want anyone to miss the opportunity to make their choice of plans for 2016.” Plans can change their coverage and costs from year to year, so comparing plans during the open enrollment is critical.
Any change you make will be effective January 1, 2016. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Call Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411 to schedule an appointment and let a SHIIP volunteer help you:
• check your current Part D or Medicare Advantage plan to make sure your drugs are covered at the lowest cost and with the least amount of restrictions.
• Review your employer coverage and compare to other Medicare options.
• Check to see if you are eligible for Part D “Extra Help.”
• Understand your option if you do not currently have a drug plan.
The “Annual Notice of Change,” sent out by plans to explain formulary (drugs covered), benefits and cost changes for 2016 was received in mailboxes September 30. “Notices of Creditable Coverage” were also due September 30. This is a notice from employer/union and other group health plans which tell Medicare eligible enrollees if their drug coverage will be “as good as or better than Medicare’s coverage” in 2016.
If you have questions about Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans, contact the SHIIP volunteers at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411 for a free, confidential consultation.