Letter to the Editor: Deeply concerned about our country

To the Editor:
I ask myself, “Is this worth my time to be expressing my opinion?” I guess the answer is yes, because here we go again.
I am deeply concerned about the future of our country. From my point of view, the country is nearly bankrupt, money-wise, and for sure morally.
I can’t believe any decent Christian person would support a candidate who really likes the Planned Parenthood program, a place where babies are killed or slaughtered for body parts. I’d like to see Planned Parenthood be given orders to evacuate immediately because we are starting bombing practice in 24 hours, like Putin gave the USA a 24-hour warning before he would bomb in the Middle East.
Also, the VA hospital is a big farce run by a bunch of crooks. They cooked the books for 180 million so they could get a big bonus and nobody has been fired. Give the veterans that qualify a voucher to our local hospital and they will get better care at a big savings to the taxpayer.
Our government surely needs overhauling. If you think we can stand four to eight more years of what we have now, you must be in La La Land.
Kindest regards and God Bless.

Ozzie Quandahl