Letter to the Editor: Wake Up

To the Editor:

Wake up, Waukon and all towns in the USA. We need a recipe to improve our town, like most towns. We are concerned citizens and want to make our town the best it can be.
Let’s put together a program to promote a better town. Let’s form a group of leaders that meet once every month to discuss and analyze the situation and needs. That group would be our sheriff, our chief of police, all church ministers and priests, leading business men, school superintendent, mayor, Chamber of Commerce, etc. They would let it be known that we support our police and sheriff departments 100 percent.

If you come to our town with the intent of selling drugs, especially to our youth, and you get caught, you will be arrested, placed in our new jail, and fed bread and water. When you get out, you’ll high-tail it out of town and never even think of selling drugs here - that’s a promise.

We will take a vote from our people to see if we should install the Ten Commandments in our school and courthouse. Encourage our teachers to lead in prayer, if they so desire, and we could have Bible study for the youth that want to participate.

We will try to bring back a factory or two, and they will come if we can produce the right kind of people. I would gladly give some seed money to help start this group.
Is your mind spinning? I hope so; we want you concerned. If you think the federal government will promote a program to help small towns, you’ll see Hell freeze first. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Kindest regards
and God bless,
Osmund (Ozzie) Quandahl

P.S. We appreciate our religious freedom and our right to have and bear arms for our protection and hunting. We encourage families to attend church services every Sunday. Just put church service first Sunday morning for a six-month trial - your life and your family’s life will be better. Teach your young early to believe in Jesus and it will be far better than any college education you can ever give them.