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Home ›"Fresh Herbs: Don't Miss Out on Summer Flavor" is topic of June 28 Fresh Conversations program
Fresh herbs can make favorite summer foods taste even better, and they are good for a person's health. Herbs can add flavor so that cooks can use less sodium or sugar in foods and still enjoy salty, sweet and savory tastes. Some studies have even shown that certain herbs or spices can reduce inflammation in the body or lower the risks of chronic disease.
Planting herbs in containers will provide a variety of fresh flavors - for little money - throughout the entire summer. Most herbs are perfect container plants and will thrive on a deck, patio, balcony, fire escape, front steps, or in a sunny window provided they are offered the right growing conditions.
June’s Fresh Conversations will highlight the many ways to incorporate herbs into daily cooking. The program will be specifically talking about growing and using basil. June’s Fresh Conversations program will be held at the Waukon Wellness Center Tuesday, June 28 at 11:15 a.m. Local facilitator, Tatum Miller from the Good Samaritan Society-Waukon, will lead the discussion.
For many patio gardeners, basil is the "can’t-live-without-it" herb. Basil's fresh, spicy, clove-scented flavor profile is a natural addition to many foods. Just one well-pruned plant will supply about a half-cup's worth of basil each week. To tantalize the taste buds, the group will be trying herbs dips this month.
This month’s strengthening exercise is the wall push-up. Participants will have the opportunity to try out this modified push-up that gives all the upper-arm benefits without having to get down to the floor. Join a local Fresh Conversations meeting and try out new exercises as well as tips for getting daily doses of activity.
Fresh Conversations is a free program offered by Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A) and designed to promote sharing and peer support. Stop in at the Waukon Wellness Center June 28 at 11:15 a.m. and take part in the program. Anyone interested in staying for a meal after the program may contact Betty Johnson, meal site manager, by calling 563-568-0074 for reservations.