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Home ›Hospital Auxiliary Euchre Marathon to be held
The Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital will be holding its monthly Euchre Marathon for all individuals of the community interested Thursday, October 20. Men and women are welcome to attend, even if they are not an Auxiliary member. The Euchre marathons are held the third Thursday of each month at the Senior Citizens Room at the Waukon Wellness Center.
The Auxiliary’s Euchre Marathons begin at 11:30 a.m. with dinner for those who choose to eat. Those choosing to stay for the meal should call Northland Agency on Aging at 877-838-8077. Card playing will follow at 12:30 p.m. until approximately 2:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to stay and play cards following the Senior Citizens meal is more than welcome to do so. The cost is $3 per person with all proceeds going towards the Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital. Prizes will be awarded.
Anyone interested in attending, but preferring to play Bridge is also welcome to join in. It is asked that they come with their own table of four players, however.
For more information about the Euchre Marathon, call Auxiliary President Nona Sawyer, at 563-568-3105 or 563-568-0043.