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Home ›Supervisors approve agreement with Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission
by Joe Moses
The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, November 7 at the Supervisors' boardroom to address a variety of topics, including the Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission Agreement, discussion of a request to quote County insurance and the Partnerships for Success grant contract. There were no comments heard or read during the Public Comments portion of the meeting.
Executive Director Rachelle Howe with Upper Explorerland Planning Commission (UERPC) discussed the Resolution for the Upper Explorerland Agreement with the Supervisors. Howe explained that the number of members on the UERPC Board of Directors will decrease from 24 to 19. She advised that the number of board members will continue to be based on population in the five-county area served by the organization but will reflect the current populations of the counties served. Howe further explained that 19 active board members will be more than adequate to serve the organization's mission well.
Howe also discussed that bylaws will need to be changed to reflect changes in digital information. As an example, Howe discussed that information packets are no longer mailed to each Board member in favor of digital communication. The resolution for the agreement between the County and UERPC was approved by the Supervisors.
A request to quote County insurance was discussed. Representatives of Kerndt Brothers Bank & Insurance were present, including Insurance Agency President Gary DeVilbiss, Insurance Agent Denise Timp and Insurance Agent/Office Manager Sandy Riha. Russ Sporer of County Risk Management Services (CRMS) provided an overview of insurance services offered through the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) and the Iowa Municipalities Workers' Compensation Association (IMWCA).
Sporer explained that he represents organizations that could cover the County's insurance needs including property and liability coverage, with healthcare coverage being the only area not available through ICAP and IMWCA. Sporer said that IMWCA covers cities, counties and 28E groups and provides risk management services, and that ICAP is an insurance pool with 750 members including 72 Iowa counties. Sporer further discussed that after six years, the County would be fully vested with equity in the program through premiums paid.
Sporer provided information about benefits, including a $1,000 grant for loss control, which can be used for County safety equipment. He said a Best Practices Program includes a $2,500 grant for loss control, explaining that both programs have been renewed for 2017. Sporer discussed that members participate in profit sharing as a member-owned organization.
The Supervisors discussed their concerns including the loss of equity if the County were to decide to leave the program before becoming fully vested. It was discussed that this proposal represents a complete change in how the County would insure itself. The Supervisors approved the request to quote County insurance, which will include a more detailed presentation in the future before any decision is made.
Allamakee County Coordinator of Disability Services Kim Waters provided an update on the October 26 County Social Services (CSS) meeting. Waters discussed that Opportunity Village has launched a Children's Autism Center in Clear Lake with support from CSS, advising that a letter of support for the region was approved due to the Children's Autism Center being a success. Waters advised that a cross-agency Mental Health Liaison has been discussed in Cerro Gordo County to work with law enforcement and multiple agencies.
Waters also said that CSS is working towards the development of a Subacute Crisis Center. This type of center would better serve the needs of individuals in crisis in this region and benefit individuals and law enforcement with decreased transport times. Waters also discussed working with Managed Care Organizations (MCO) and the importance of the Lifelong Links phone number in serving the elderly and disabled.
Allamakee County Emergency Management Coordinator Corey Snitker presented copies of letters to government officials including Senator Joni Ernst, Congressman Rod Blum and Senator Charles Grassley. Snitker has drafted these letters seeking government assistance with the Big Slough debris cleanup project where the Upper Iowa River feeds into the Mississippi River. As a result of the flood events in August and September, debris including trees, hay bales and man-made materials has accumulated in the Big Slough. Snitker suggested that Living Lands and Waters will likely be providing a cost estimate later in the week concerning the removal of the man-made materials in the Big Slough. The Supervisors approved the letters as written and provided signatures.
Allamakee Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Coordinator Jean Bossom discussed the Fiscal-Year 2017 Partnerships for Success grant contract. ASAP is a substance abuse prevention program that has served Allamakee County since 1984. Bossom explained that she recently received the new contract, which requires the Supervisors' approval for her to provide a signature, and the subcontract for the Iowa Partnerships for Success evaluator also requires approval. The evaluator provides assessments of the test results and statistics of students completing the program.
Supervisor Dan Byrnes opened sealed bids for the 2009 Ford Explorer for sale by the County Sheriff's Office. The seven bids will be forwarded to Allamakee County Sheriff Clark Mellick.
Under Department Head Updates, Director Rebecca Hawes of the Allamakee County Relief Office advised that a seasonal employee position has been filled in the Allamakee County Relief Office due to the holiday season being a busy time.
Snitker further advised that the second Presidential disaster declaration has been provided for the September flooding. He explained that this declaration affects four jurisdictions within Allamakee County, including Secondary Roads, the City of Lansing and Allamakee County Conservation - all of which were included in an initial Presidential Disaster Declaration following the August flooding; as well as the City of New Albin, which has been added with this second declaration. Snitker discussed some specific issues, including debris removal, and he said that he will continue to provide information as it becomes available regarding assistance opportunities.