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Home ›Waukon City Council discusses several items with WEDC representatives
by Joe Moses
The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, November 21 to discuss a full agenda of items including RV and trailer parking, an electric franchise rebate and the third reading of the Storm and Surface Water Drainage System Utility Ordinance. No comments were heard or read during Public Comments.
Under Departmental Reports, Street Department Superintendent Keith Burrett discussed that his department is ready for the winter season. Recreation and Wellness Director Jeremy Strub indicated that this is a slow time program-wise with the transition from fall to winter activities, but things are picking up with use of the Wellness Center.
Under Regular Business, parking along East Main and the adjacent alley on its initial block were discussed. Associate Director Angela Mincks with Mosaic was present in place of Marilyn Clark with the St. Patrick Thrift Store, who was not in attendance due to a schedule conflict but was listed with this agenda item. Mincks described the issues limiting access to the Mosaic parking lot, which include driving on private property. She said with the limited parking lot access, vehicle parking on private property by neighboring businesses and organizations has occasionally restricted Mosaic vehicles from being able to exit the parking lot. She also noted there are poles and flower pots that have caused damage to vehicles maneuvering in the alley. Councilman John Lydon agreed to look into the situation and will be inspecting the alley.
As a related issue, the lack of a handicapped parking space in that area was also discussed. Police Chief Phil Young commented that the second parking spot would be suitable for a handicapped parking spot. The Council approved the handicapped parking spot. Councilman Dwight Jones indicated that there is work to be done to resolve the issues discussed and this will again be listed as an agenda item.
The Waukon Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Administrative Services quarterly payments were discussed by WEDC Board member Joe Cunningham and the Council. The Council approved the agreement as discussed. Cunningham and WEDC Board members Dennis Lyons and Howard Van Ruler provided feedback on the next three agenda items. Cunningham discussed the advantages of the City of Waukon initially funding projects with their tax-exempt status with WEDC reimbursing the City following the completion of projects, noting that this would allow the best use of funds with WEDC's support not being used to pay loan interest. The Council agreed that this is a sound approach and best use of available funds.
The Park Place Court paving project with an estimated $25,047.00 cost was approved, and WEDC will be reimbursing the City following completion of the project. This project will be included with the City's scheduled spring blacktop projects. The 12th Street NW paving project with an estimated cost of $27,485.00 was also approved. The Park Place Street Light was approved and will be installed by the City, with WEDC covering the cost of the pole and payment being made after paving is complete.
The Council agreed to discuss the Electric Franchise Rebate agenda item listed later in the agenda ahead of schedule. Reel-Core Plant Manager Lenny Bulman was in attendance and provided feedback regarding the impact a rebate would have towards his company. Bulman expressed that electricity represents one of the greatest direct costs for manufacturing. He suggested that Waukon should keep in mind the need to support current businesses and create a climate that attracts new businesses and manufacturing. The Council discussed rebate options for the electric franchise fee including quarterly rebates and percentage rebates. No action was taken at this time. The Council agreed to add this item to the December 19 meeting agenda.
The third reading of the Storm Water Drainage System Utility Ordinance took place without any objections. The ordinance was adopted and will go into effect January 1, 2017. Burrett and Councilman Ben Rausch provided a brief update on the 2016 Trenched Storm Sewer Project in the absence of Senior Project Manager Lyle TeKippe with Fehr Graham Engineering.
The 2016 PCC Street Improvements Change Order #1 for Concrete Foundations Inc. was approved by the Council. This change order involves an increase of $16,375.39 for work completed. PCC refers to the Portland Cement Concrete process that involves replacement of the top layer of cement. The next agenda item also involved the 2016 PCC Street Improvements project and Concrete Foundations Inc. A Partial Payment of $226,568.94 was approved by the Council.
Burrett also discussed the next agenda item concerning the Boom Truck and Street Department equipment. Burrett commented that the boom truck has worked well in putting up Christmas lights, tree trimming and fixing banners in the short time his department has used it. The purchase of the boom truck was approved by the Council at $10,000.
RV and Trailer Parking was discussed by the Council. Several scenarios were mentioned, including RVs causing a safety issue by blocking line of sight for motorists, on-street parking and private property parking. The Council tabled this discussion with plans to address again at a later time.
The Fiscal Year 2016 TIF Report was discussed. The resolution for $467,102 in TIF requested was approved. TIF refers to tax increment financing and is used for infrastructure and redevelopment projects. The resolution establishing the amount of TIF increment tax for the South East Urban Renewal Area for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year was also approved. The Council went into closed session to address the Police Department Facilities agenda item.