Memorials received by VMH Health Care Foundation

Memorials were recently received by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation in memory of Ralph Welch by Dave and Rita Newton, Scott and Cheryl Livingston, Dr. Arlen and Karlene Wonderlich, Jim and Eli Klenske, Marv and Marge Strike, Jerry and Linda Siegrist, Dave and Laurie Martin, Bernard Welsh, Jim and Patty Clarke, Jackie Westby, Patsy Kerndt, Dave and Brenda Dougherty, Lillian Larson, Sally and Jack Hagensick, Joel and Teresa Sommer, Lois Evans, Harold and Shirley Marti, Ken and Rose Beardmore, Betty Hogan, Elsa Hager, Paul and Wendy Ebner, Rick and Cathy Larson, and Family and Friends of Ralph Welch.

Memorials were also received in memory of Charles Deering by Laura Duvel, in memory of Barb Homewood by Jim Magner, and in memory of Arlene Kerndt by Carol Krumme, Dave and Gail Prestemon, Bob and Marilyn Bulman, Gayle Larkin and Dave and Laurie Martin.

Memorials and donations are greatly appreciated by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation.  The Foundation is a 501C3 organization.  All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. Memorials and donations can be sent to 40 First Street SE, Waukon, IA  52172.