Letter to the Editor: Thankful to farmers for abundant choices

To the Editor:

I am a mom, consumer and farm wife from Monona. Each week I make my way to the grocery store to pick up groceries for my family. This is a task I take pride in, but not one that I view as simple. Each week I am faced with a list a mile long and hundreds of options to choose from. This is a good thing, and one which leads me to say, “thank you, Iowa farmers!”

I am thankful for the ability to choose from a variety of products. I am thankful that farmers, like my husband, choose to implement different practices on their farms, raise different products, and utilize different technology, because that diversity assures choices for us all at the grocery store.

You see, all farmers are consumers themselves and value quality. This is something I think we all need to acknowledge and remember each time we walk through the doors of a grocery store, sit down to eat dinner, or give our children a snack, that choices abound! Those choices are blessings for us all, valuable, and would not be possible without the diversity of Iowa farming practices.

Melissa Wedo