Fall Migration Day November 4 in Ferryville, WI ...

The Ferryville Tourism Council is inviting area residents and visitors to the fifth annual Fall Migration Day to be held in River View Park, right in the center of Ferryville, WI, at the observation deck overlooking the Mississippi River. Spotting scopes will be set up between 9-11 a.m. Saturday, November 4. This event showcases the many species of waterfowl that frequent the Mississippi Flyway during their annual Fall Migration. Some of the species to be seen include bald eagles, herons, egrets, tundra swans, white pelicans, many species of ducks and Canadian geese. Pool 9 on the Mississippi River traditionally is a stopping point for thousands of canvasback ducks.

This is a family friendly event, and birders who are just beginning or those who know one duck from another are encouraged to participate in the learning event. Hand-outs about birding spots in the area will be available. A table of breads and hot beverages will also be available. Members of the Coulee Region Audubon group will be on hand to offer expert help in identifying the birds that are anticipated to be seen.

Ferryville has been a part of the Bird City Wisconsin program since 2013. There are currently over 100 communities whose activities promote educational and conservation programs to support birds in the state. Ferryville is proud to be the smallest Bird City community in the program. The next event will be Bald Eagle Day March 3, 2018. For more information, contact Joanne White at 608-735-9018. Submitted photo.