How to get the most benefit from napping

While closing your eyes for a few minutes during a busy day may seem like a good idea, it’s important to consider the effects that this activity may bring. “The time of day and length of time you nap can provide benefits or create problems,” says Michelle Mertens-Dodgen, nurse practitioner at Mayo Clinic Health System - Franciscan Healthcare in Waukon. “Knowing when to nap and providing yourself with a suitable environment to nap will produce the greatest benefits.”

Before lying down to take a daily nap, one should think about the reason they began taking these naps in the first place. If they have been working the night shift or are a new mother, there is probably good reason to be closing their eyes for a while. On the other hand, if one recently has felt that a nap is essential to daily functioning, they may have a bigger problem. Talking to a doctor is the best way to find out why one is experiencing an increase in fatigue. The reasons for exhaustion could be anything from having a sleep disorder to a side effect from a new medication, says Mertens-Dodgen.

Two drawbacks of napping include experiencing sleep inertia and nighttime sleep problems. Sleep inertia can involve waking up feeling groggy and disoriented after taking a nap. This can become a problem if one has places to be or tasks to complete after a nap.

Nighttime sleep problems can arise if naps are too long or too close to bedtime. It is not recommended to nap if experiencing insomnia or poor sleep quality at night, as napping may worsen these problems. Short naps are best when trying to avoid interference with nighttime sleep.

According to Mertens-Dodgen, taking naps can provide many benefits to health, such as:

• Improved mood
• Improved performance, including quicker reaction time and better memory
• Increased alertness
• Reduced fatigue
• Relaxation.

There are certain times when a nap may be more beneficial to health. Mertens-Dodgen suggests taking a nap:

• If experiencing new fatigue (monitor symptoms to avoid a serious health concern).
• If about to experience sleep loss.
• If wanting to make naps a part of a daily routine (having a planned time of day and length of time will help keep that schedule on track).

There are a number of tricks to make naps more effective. Set aside an allotted amount of time. If waking up feeling groggy after a nap, one is probably sleeping for too long. Between 10 and 30 minutes is the ideal length of time for a nap.

Plan to take naps in the afternoon. Since the afternoon is the time of day one is likely to experience a lower level of alertness or post-lunch sleepiness, around 2 or 3 p.m. is the ideal time to nap. One is also more likely to avoid interference with nighttime sleep if napping around this time. Although, some people may adjust their napping time to fit a unique work or school schedule.

Create a tranquil environment. Some people struggle to sleep during the day, but there are tricks to help become more relaxed. Making sure to eliminate distractions when napping and doing so in a quiet space with minimal light can improve naps. Adjusting the room temperature to what is comfortable can also make nap space more comfortable.

Allow enough time to wake up. Allowing oneself enough time to wake up before resuming activities after a nap is important, as one may feel groggy or less alert.