Letter to the Editor by Harriet Sharp

To the Editor:

Yes, I am encouraged, joyful and thankful to my fellow Iowans who voted for candidates who honored God, country and our state of Iowa, our freedoms, and the right to life - which includes protecting the life of the helpless and innocent unborn. True science reveals that each of our lives began at conception and continued to grow through stages of development within our mother’s womb (which should be the safest room in our world for the unborn) until our birth. That baby - that same individual person - continues to grow and develop on this journey of life.

I am grateful to the voters who brought forth a red tsunami in Iowa. Having met and/or heard many of these victorious candidates, from our governor and on through local winners, I am convinced and confident that we have elected truly qualified, competent, hard-working and honorable leaders for Iowa.

Our motto in America is “In God We Trust.” God is a good God, we can trust Him. He has a very good plan for America.

Our first president, General George Washington, in his first inaugural address, April 30, 1789, used these words: “... my fervent supplication to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations... that His blessing may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States...”

Yes, with thankful hearts we offer congratulations on their victory to our Republican slate of candidates, and we thank them for their willingness to serve Iowa and America. Stay focused: the best is yet to come.

Respectfully submitted,
Harriet Sharp