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Home ›Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Osmund (Ozzie) Quandahl
To the Editor:
Way back in the 1930s, President Roosevelt instituted the Social Security Scheme because we Americans were too stupid to handle our own money. Back in the 1930s, the Christian Church was very strong and they helped people in need and our communities were safe and had very little crime.
Now, the Democrat Party is disrespecting the Christian Church and our law officers with Defund the Police policy. David Horowitz, the very strong Democrat for years, has come full bore for Trump. I say, what took you so long to see the light? Horowitz says the Democrats have the mentality of gangsters, and how true that is.
Newt Gingrich had a very good idea on Newsmax. He said, “Get behind Trump now and we can vote in a solid Republican Party that could get things done,” like a balanced budget, term limits, support and respect for the law, put Christ and the Ten Commandments back in schools, become energy independent, build a good military, let the clergy voice their opinions, eliminate $500 million to Planned Parenthood and close up those 105 buildings. The U.S. Government has used our tax money to build 105 buildings and give them all the support money for years to kill babies and sell baby parts.
A few years ago, a very nice dressed gentleman came to me (I was wearing a Trump cap) and he said, “I and my family have always voted Democrat, but this time I voted for Trump and I think he is a God send.” Of course, I agreed.
I call Putin a war criminal. I say what Biden has done to this country is a terrible crime. What do you think?
Kindest regards and God bless,
Osmund (Ozzie) Quandahl