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Pastor Abraham Faugstad
You Matter!
When I was growing up, I remember the older generation saying, “back in my day… you could get a bottle of pop for a dime and a hamburger for a quarter!” I used to laugh when people would say things like this but now, I find myself saying the same thing! Over the past few years, it’s been astounding seeing how certain items have gone through the roof. A rusty used car goes for the price of a collector’s vehicle. While the item might not change, the price at which it is purchased changes its value. The value of something is dependent on what someone is willing to pay for it.
When it comes to us, many people struggle finding their worth. They have a hard time finding value in themselves. Whether it be the teenager who struggles with insecurity, the young adult who is trying to find out what they should do with their life, the parent who sees their constant failures, or the elderly person who struggles finding their value when they can no longer contribute in the way that they used to.
But you matter. Whether young or old, you matter. You have worth. But why?
You matter because you matter to God. The price of your life was the Son of God dying on the cross. God loved the world so that he gave his only begotten Son into this world to save you so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus redeemed you - he bought you back, a lost and condemned creature, he “purchased and won [you] from all sins, from death and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood, and with His innocent suffering and death; in order that [you] might be His own” (Luther’s Explanation to the 2nd Article of the Apostles’ Creed).
The Gospel message is counter cultural. The world thinks that you matter because of status, power, or wealth. But Jesus doesn’t. In fact, Jesus says that we cannot stand before God because our accomplishments, fame, power, or wealth. The proud Jesus will send away empty handed. But to those who humble themselves, repent of their sins, and trust in Jesus - he offers the forgiveness of sins and eternal life in heaven. So, take comfort, whether you are rich or poor, tall or short, important or insignificant in the eyes of the world… because you matter to God and that is all that matters. Jesus our Good Shepherd laid down his life for you so that you could have the hope of heaven. That is something to rejoice about!
The congregation I serve, King of Grace Lutheran Church, will be hosting a Vacation Bible School (VBS) August 16-18. I’d like to invite you to join us for our VBS. All children, ages 3–13, are welcome to this free event from 9 a.m. - Noon each day. During this year’s VBS, “I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb,” children will learn through Bible stories, music, and crafts how Jesus is their Good Shepherd who loves them, shepherds them, and lays down his life for them. There will also be games and plenty of snacks!
Early Registration is appreciated but not required. If you would like to pre-register please email, call, or direct message the church’s Facebook page with the name(s) and age(s) of those attending.
Phone: 563-568-3167
Pastor Abraham Faugstad
King of Grace Lutheran Church ELS, Waukon and Trinity Lutheran Churches