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Faith Alone
In the last couple of issues, we have talked about some of the main tenants of Confessional Lutheranism as taught in the Lutheran Reformation. So far, we’ve talked about the two important teachings: Grace Alone and Scripture Alone. The Bible teaches that a sinner is saved by grace alone through faith alone for Jesus’ sake, a truth revealed to us in Scripture alone.
The Bible clearly teaches that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. We say we are saved by grace alone because there is nothing in us and nothing that we can do that moves God to forgive us. God is gracious to us because of Jesus who went to the cross to take away the sins of the world - yours and mine. God does not love us because we have earned it - far from it! He loves us for Jesus’ sake. St. Paul writes: “In [Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7). To those who know their sin, who know they have failed to live the life that God demands, it gives great comfort because God’s grace is not earned by what you do but is given freely to us by our gracious God. Jesus did it all.
Today, I want to talk to you about how the forgiveness and salvation Jesus won for you on the cross comes to you. How do we receive it? Through faith alone.
Faith is how we receive the treasures of the cross. But this is not something we do. It is God’s work in us. God the Holy Spirit works through his Word to create faith in us. Scripture explains, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17), and “No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” (I Cor. 12:3). The Apostle Paul puts it this way, “Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace” (Romans 4:16).
In the hymn, Rock of Ages, there is a verse which says, “Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling.” That’s a great picture of faith in Jesus. We come as beggars before God. Faith is simply the empty hand that receives the treasures of the cross. Faith adds the words “for me” to all of God’s promises. Jesus suffered - for me. Jesus died - for me. Jesus rose again from the dead on the third day - for me. God’s mercy, love, and protection are - for me!
The focus of faith is not faith itself. Then we would spend all our time talking about our faith, bragging about our faith, or worrying about the strength of our faith. The focus of faith is not faith itself; the focus and object of our faith is Jesus!
Everybody has faith in something. To say we have faith means very little unless we have faith in Jesus, who loves us and gave himself for us. For then, whether you have a strong faith or a weak faith, you can be sure of your hope of salvation, because you have the same Christ, the same Lord, and the same open door to eternal life in heaven. May God grant us through his Word, a sincere faith and trust in Jesus, which we know, will never disappoint. Amen!
Pastor Abraham Faugstad
King of Grace Lutheran Church ELS, Waukon and Trinity Lutheran Church