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Home ›Waukon Cub Scout Pack 64 holds annual Pack Pinewood Derby

Cub Scout Pack 64 ... Pictured above are members of Waukon’s Cub Scout Pack 64 at the Pack’s Pinewood Derby event held Saturday, March 9 at the East Elementary School large gymnasium. Pack members are pictured with awards given for craftsmanship of their vehicles. Submitted photo.
Waukon Cub Scout Pack 64 held its annual Pack Pinewood Derby Saturday, March 9 at the East Elementary School large gymnasium in Waukon. A total of 29 Scouts brought their hand painted and best designed cars to race for Leader of the Pack honors. Participants and award winners are pictured in the surrounding submitted photos. Cub Scout Pack 64 will also host the District Pinewood Derby Saturday, April 6 this year.
Additional photos are available in the Wednesday, March 27 edition of The Standard. Pick up this week's print edition of The Standard or subscribe to our e-edition by clicking here.