

Registration is Open for the ISU Extension and Outreach Women in Ag Leadership Conference

The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Women in Ag Leadership Conference will be held November 27-28 at the Iowa State Center - Scheman Building in Ames, Iowa. Online registration is now available.

Monday evening from 5:30-8:30 p.m., conference attendees have the opportunity to participate in one of the three Intensive Leadership Workshops offered. Dinner during the workshops is included in the cost of registration. The three-hour interactive sessions will give women practical leadership advice and tools as well as inspire women to lead successfully at all levels of experience.

Additional networking activities are also available Monday. Conference attendees can sign up to take a free campus tour from 3-5 p.m. and enjoy a hospitality room at the Best Western University Park Inn and Suites from 8:30-10 p.m.


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• December 15: Acreages intended to be used for forage and pasture in 2018 need to be reported
• December 15: Sign up for, or opt out of, the 2018 Margin Protection Program

Fall Certification
The deadline to report acres of forage and pasture for 2018 is December 15, 2017. Late-file fees will be assessed for each farm not meeting the December 15 deadline. Make sure to get into the FSA office and certify any hay and pasture ground.


Myhre family farm recognized as a Century Farm

Myhre family farm recognized at Iowa State Fair ... Members of the Bonnie K. (Myhre) Williams family were present at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines August 17 to receive recognition of the family’s farm located near 236 Bear Creek Drive, Dorchester as a Century Farm. Pictured from left to right: Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey, Bonnie (Myhre) Williams, Bruce Williams in back with Mildred Myhre in wheelchair in front, Laurie (Myhre) Knoke, Farm Bureau President Craig Hill. Submitted photo.

The 200-acre Myhre farm on Bear Creek Drive in Waterloo Township, Allamakee County, Iowa (formerly owned by Owen and Mildred Myhre and now owned by their daughters Bonnie and Laurie) reached a landmark this year: Having continuously been in the same family for 100 years, it earned the distinction of being named a century farm. Mildred Myhre of Spring Grove, MN, Bonnie (Myhre) and Bruce Williams of Cedar Rapids, IA, and Laurie (Myhre) Knoke of DeKalb, IL, attended a ceremony at the Iowa State Fair August 17, 2017 where they received a “Century Farm” marker from the Farm Bureau and a certificate from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship designating the property as a “2017 Century Farm”.


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director 563-568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• December 15: Acreages intended to be used for forage and pasture in 2018 need to be reported
• December 15: Sign up for, or opt out of, the Margin Protection Program

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Payments
We began issuing payments for the Conservation Reserve Program the first week of October, and will continue through mid-October. CRP payments begin with those contracted prior to 2008. Remember that these take a few days to be deposited into your account.

ACR/PLC Payments
We issued payments for the Agricultural Risk Coverage/Price Loss Coverage program, more commonly known as ARC/PLC. These went out the first week of October, Allamakee County did receive an ACR-Co payment of $1.30 per base acre of corn. However, no payments were received for soybeans.


Iowa State University STRIPS Team assesses tile systems under prairies

STRIPS Team assesses tile systems under prairies ... Tim Youngquist, an agricultural specialist and farmer liaison for Iowa State’s Science-based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips, known as STRIPS, is pictured above inspecting prairie growth.

An Iowa State University research project has found that prairies, known for an abundance of deep roots, don’t interfere with tile systems running under them.

Perforated tile are buried under cropland to remove excess water detrimental to crop production. Farmers and landowners considering installing strips of prairie plants in their fields have asked about the possibility of roots growing into tile lines, said Tim Youngquist, an agricultural specialist and farmer liaison for Iowa State’s Science-based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips, known as STRIPS.


Livestock farmers encouraged to make sure all premises are registered, information is up to date

Letters will be going out over the next year to farmers that have registered premises

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship encourages all Iowa livestock farmers to make sure that all locations where they have livestock have a premises identification number (PIN) and to make sure their information is up-to-date.

“Being able to quickly identify any and all premises during an animal disease outbreak is a vitally important step as we work to stop the spread of the disease,” said Iowa Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig. “We do want to assure farmers that all the information in the premises ID database is completely confidential and protected under federal law and can only be used for animal health purposes.”


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• December 15: Acreages intended to be used for forage and pasture in 2018 need to be reported

Margin Protection Program Sign-Up
Dairy producers can begin signing up for the 2018 Margin Protection Program. Sign-up runs through December 15. However, new this year, and for this year only, producers have the choice to opt-out of the program. If you choose to opt out, you will not need to pay the $100 fee. However, we ask that you stop in and write us a note indicating you are opting out. Please do that by December 15. 


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• September 1 - December 15: 2018 Margin Protection Program Sign-Up
• October 9:  Office closed in observance of Columbus Day
• December 15: Acreages intended to be used for forage and pasture in 2018 need to be reported

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Payments
We will soon be issuing payments for the Conservation Reserve Program. CRP payments begin with those contracted prior to 2008. Barring no computer delays, those payments will begin being issued October 2. For CRP contracts that began after the 2008 Farm Bill, payments will be issued starting October 12. Remember that these take a few days to be deposited into your account.


For half a century, soybean performance tests have helped farmers make decisions

Soybean testing ... Chad Arnold and Bill Fjelland of the Iowa Crop Improvement Association survey a field of soybeans. (Christopher Gannon/Iowa State University).

The Iowa Crop Improvement Association, an Iowa State University affiliated nonprofit, is marking the 50th anniversary of its Iowa Crop Performance Tests for Soybeans, which offers Iowa farmers independent information to help select the best soybeans for their needs.

Founded in 1902, the Iowa Crop Improvement Association is a nonprofit organization affiliated with Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and designated as the official seed-certifying agency in Iowa.

“The soybean test is a tool to help Iowa farmers make decisions, but seed companies also participate so they can promote their products to farmers,” said Jim Rouse, executive director of ICIA, who holds a staff appointment in Iowa State’s Department of Agronomy.


Applications are now open for the beginning farmer Savings Incentive Program

Practical Farmers of Iowa is now accepting applications for the Savings Incentive Program Class of 2019. The two-year program for beginning farmers was launched in 2010, and has since served 127 individuals on their path to establishing a successful farm business.

The program aims to help beginning farmers succeed through mentorship from an experienced farmer; business plan support; the chance to save money and receive matching funds; the opportunity to attend a range of targeted learning events; and access to a network of supportive farmers.


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