

April is National Occupational Therapy Month

Occupational Therapy at VMH ... April is National Occupational Therapy Month, which is supposed to be a time to reflect on the past, present and future of the profession of Occupational Therapy. However, this April is like no other April since occupational therapy began as a profession over 100 years ago. Right now, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants are continuing their essential role in helping others while taking all precautions of washing our hands for at least 20 seconds, we are social distancing, and wearing masks. Pictured above, left to right, are Tami Gebel and Melissa Clarke, Occupational Therapists at Veterans Memorial Hospital. Submitted photo.

by Tami Gebel, Occupational Therapist, Veterans Memorial Hospital

April is National Occupational Therapy Month, which is supposed to be a time to reflect on the past, present and future of the profession of Occupational Therapy.  However, this April is like no other April since occupational therapy began as a profession over 100 years ago. In actuality, this April is like no other time in our history!

The human race is being attacked, but not by animals or aliens as movies portray.  We are all fighting a war against something we can not see. We are all doing our part to fight off the virus. We are all washing our hands for at least 20 seconds, we are social distancing, and wearing masks.


Face masks needed in community for at-risk population

Face mask donations are greatly needed during COVID-19 pandemic ... Waukon Economic Development, Lansing City Clerk Office, Postville City Clerk Office and Monona Chamber of Commerce are all accepting homemade face mask donations. They are each then supplying these masks to grocery stores to hand out to those at risk, especially elderly customers. These four entities are currently accepting donations of sewn face masks. Pictured are Veterans Memorial Hospital staff members in homemade masks that have been graciously donated by members of the community and put to very good use at the hospital. Submitted photo.

Waukon Economic Development, Lansing City Clerk Office, Postville City Clerk Office and Monona Chamber of Commerce are all accepting homemade face mask donations. They are each then supplying these masks to some of the grocery stores to hand out to those at risk, especially elderly customers.  These four entities are currently accepting donations of sewn face masks.

Once someone in this high risk category receives a mask, they should keep laundering it and wearing it anytime they have to enter public places. They are now reaching out to ask even more volunteers to begin making masks for the high risk in the area communities.

More volunteers are needed to make masks. Many patterns and videos are available online. Masks can be dropped off at the following locations:


Children’s books donation at VMH ...

Veterans Memorial Hospital recently received a generous donation of children’s books from Abigail Moore, daughter of Andy and Emily Moore of Waukon. For her sixth birthday, in lieu of presents for herself, she requested that her classmates bring a book to be donated to the hospital for children of any age to enjoy. Abigail’s older brothers, Jackson and Maxwell, have both performed this generous act of kindness for a couple of their birthdays as well. Abigail is pictured above with many of the books her friends so generously gave her in honor of her birthday. These books will soon be placed in every department of the hospital to ensure each waiting room and department has a few new books for young patients to enjoy while visiting the hospital. Submitted photo.


Successful April blood drive in Waukon during COVID-19; New donors always welcome

The LifeServe Blood Center reported a very successful blood drive was held in Waukon Monday, April 6. The Waukon community was given a goal of 37 units of blood. A total of 43 units were collected, surpassing that goal by six units. Thirty-nine returning donors were able to give blood and four new donors joined the donor list. These 43 units of collected blood will save 129 lives!

The local blood drives will continue to be held during COVID-19 since the need for blood does not stop. Life Serve team members only report to work if they are healthy and only healthy donors are eligible to give blood. Blood drives are essential medical services and not considered mass gatherings. The number of donors is limited to ensure donor separation and staff has strict cleaning and disinfection schedules. Other measures are also in place to ensure the safety of the blood supply so these lifesaving donations can continue during COVID-19.


Caregiver Support Group to hold conference calls during COVID-19

The regular Caregiver Support Group meetings held monthly at Veterans Memorial Hospital have been canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. However, this support group is now being held through conference calls. Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A) is offering weekly Caregiver Support Group conference calls every Monday from 10-11 a.m.

To join a call, just dial 1-800-264-8432. Then enter the participant code 961847#.  You will then be connected to the support group conference call, joining other caregivers.


Memorials received by Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation

Memorials were received by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation in memory of Kenny O’Hara by Dean Schellhammer, Kirk and Lisa Snitker, Jim and Jill Kiesau, Jim and Linda Ryan, Audrey Angel, Bill and Beth Schafer, Scott and Karen Ness, Brian and Denise Wullner, Chuck and Lois Votsmier, Brenda White, Maury and Kay Mooney, Ann Fossum, Gary and Marlene Houg, Jane Dietrich, Jim and Ele Klenske, Marlene Habhab, Marlys Leiran, Diane Regan, Jerry and Linda Siegrist, Arlen and Karlene Wonderlich,  Gladwin and Darlene Anderson, Brad and Erin Berns and family and friends of Kenny O’Hara.

In addition, memorials were received in memory of Josephine Smith by Bev Bacon, JoAnn Peake, Jennifer Zieman, Rob and Virginia Moore, Patsy Kerndt, Harold and Donna Peck, Jim and Pat Bossom and Erma Swenson.


April is National Occupational Therapy Month: How to stay independent and safe in your home

Occupational Therapy at VMH ... April is National Occupational Therapy Month. During this month of celebration, the occupational therapists at Veterans Memorial Hospital want to remind community members of ways to stay safe and independent in their own homes and most importantly, how to prevent falls. Pictured above is Occupational Therapist Tami Gebel with former patient Pat Pettingill of Waukon. Many patients, like Pat, utilize therapy to gain strength after a fall and to remain safe at home. See the associated article for suggestions on how to prevent falls at home. Submitted photo.

by Tami Gebel, Occupational Therapist, Veterans Memorial Hospital

April is National Occupational Therapy Month.  During this month of celebration, the occupational therapists at Veterans Memorial Hospital want to remind community members of ways to stay safe and independent in their own homes and most importantly, how to prevent falls.

Occupational therapists who work in hospitals often are referred to assist people who have fallen at home. A fall at home could result in fractured arms or legs, not to mention multiple bruises and tarnished pride. Often, many of these falls could have been prevented, had the people taken precautionary steps to make their homes safe and clutter free.

Here are a few suggestions to prevent falls at home:


Guidance for Iowans to sew homemade masks for healthcare providers

Healthcare face mask design ... Submitted photo.

There is a national shortage of commercially-produced PPE (personal protective equipment) including face masks, and public and private officials are working to address national and global supply challenges. Due to the current limitations on supplies of face masks, there may come a time during this response when commercially manufactured masks are no longer readily available. Iowans who would like to support healthcare providers can use this guidance document to construct homemade cloth masks that can be worn by Iowa healthcare providers during patient care.

Iowans who would like to donate homemade masks need to call their local hospital, medical clinics or long-term care facility prior to making a donation. The facility will provide guidance on where to drop off donations outside of the health care facility.


Face masks needed for at-risk population

Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon appreciates the outpouring of community support of face mask donations for patients and staff during the COVID-19 challenge. If you have been sewing masks for the hospital, they ask that you please continue to do so!

They are now reaching out to ask even more volunteers to begin making masks for the high risk in the area communities.

The hospital has asked the Waukon Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), Lansing City Clerk Office, Postville City Clerk Office and Monona Chamber of Commerce to coordinate this project of supplying additional homemade masks to some of the grocery stores to hand out to those high risk, especially elderly, customers. Once someone in this high risk category receives a mask, they should keep laundering it and wearing anytime they have to enter public places.

Many patterns and videos are available online as well.


COVID-19 Reminders from Veterans Memorial Hospital and the Iowa Department of Public Health

Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) and the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) wish to remind the community of the following facts and ways the public can help during this COVID-19 challenge as it continues:
• Anyone with respiratory symptoms must call the hospital first at 563-568-3411 before coming in.
• Anyone with flu-like symptoms that is requesting to be tested for COVID-19 must meet all criteria to qualify for a test. Screenings will be performed over the phone by calling the hospital at 563- 568-3411 and asking for the COVID-19 phone line.
• Patients who have the COVID-19 virus or influenza are asked to remain at home.  But, if your symptoms become more serious and you are having difficulty breathing or have an uncontrollable high fever, call the hospital.
• Call the Iowa Department of Public Health COVID-19 Hotline with any additional questions, by dialing 2-1-1.


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